BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

I remember when my missus done the test and it came up pregnant it was the most effective laxative I've ever had. I literally emptied the full contents of my bowels/intestines. The shocking realisation that nothing would ever be the same again. We did it on purpose too. First try as well. Luke Skywalker and the Death Star esqe
It got worse from that moment on. The missus was a fecking nightmare and the bundle of joy I ordered turned out to be a bundle of red screaming anger that cannot be placated. But there is a lot of pleasure too. Like their first swear word is hilarious. FFS was hers.
Anyone who says they wouldn't change a thing is a liar Imo
I think I am with Dr. we got real lucky with Yin1, slept through the night, ate well, pretty chilled little dude really. When they hit 2 it's a whole different story, Ik ben twee en Ik zeg NEE!!!
Don, there is no convincing someone, you only know its right when it happens. Most guys (including me) could go without them and not feel like they missed anything in life. For women I think that feeling is built in, for me, it only surfaces after you have, as Oscar put it, emptied your intestines out!:)
my gf is already cradling the flipping cat like it's a bairn until she starts hocking up a lung as she's that allergic to it.

I think you only know it's right once it has happened, is the correct way to say it. Once you've up and got a girl pregnant and she tells you, then your worlds upside down. Been there, done that, got rid. Best decision I ever made, girl was a fucktard and we were only 18. 15 years later i NEVER think what it would have been like.

I'm happy for anyone else that wants one or has one/them etc but I really couldn't care less for them.
You were 18 lad ffs. I would of gone down the same root. Different when you are 40+. Not everyone has kids but if you are with a girl who wants them and you don't, then as the song says, "there may be trouble ahead" lol.
I'd have made the same choice at 30 bru. It comes with the mental issues of being an only child from a single parent upbringing. I'm hard wired man.

and yeah I hear you on trouble ahead.
Aye, at 30 I was also still totally NOT UP FOR IT. Probably why my ex fucked off and had a kid 3 weeks after she left me, lmfao. Poor twat she met never knew what hit him.
oh man that's pretty fucked up. Lad I know at work got the first ever girl he went with up the duff. she already had two bairns too.

Never know whats round the corner eh
image.jpg image.jpg Mate my 2 are good kids but life just ain't the same anymore I used to be a free spirit now live for kids it's hard but il b a free spirit again when they move out lol on another note I've been making canna toffee butter fudge had to freeze it to cut it coz wouldn't go off (first attempt) they are coated in cadburys fudge hot chocolate coz that's all there was! Bloody tasty as fuck gonna hit the gym n try 1 after :)
Me too. I thought I was way too selfish to have a sprog. But it's quite fun/challenging. I've taught her my love of farts which my missus isn't very pleased about. Asking her granny "to pull my finger" is apparently frowned upon.

My favourite part of the plant to smoke. It takes a little effort to pick all the pre flowers off the stems but I think it's worth it. image.jpg