They are regular seeds so I might score a nice male
I started harvesting the AK-47 x Paki Punch seeds today! I call it Akki.
Damn man! nice canopy there, excellent looking colas
thats really sad they need to pose as a cancer patient! 5 years ago i lost a son to cancer and to hear that someone is or has pretended to have cancer just to do something like that to a person that is only trying to help others that are sick! makes me sick! and to be honest it hurts! cancer is nothing to fake! for any reason!! no one deserves to be diagnosed with it and no one deserves to watch it take someone you love more then anything in this world! shame on them! they are the real criminals! im sorry i know this was a bit ago but when i saw what they did to you and how!! it hurts and makes me lose all faith!Looks like cultivation and sale
A friend of mine who does all my selling is my only customer came to my shop that morning and got a phone call that somebody was kicking his front door and at his house I immediately said to him let's get out of here and go to my house by the time we got outside their were to drug enforcement agency agents securing the gate.
While they were focused on my friend. I put my dogs in the car. And went and sat down in office trailer on the property
The next thing I knew a very large K-9 dog came around the corner and thank God it Stopped
The officer said if you are in here speak up or I will let the dog loose.
At that point my first words to him were I am unarmed I am unarmed and in compliance.
At that point he starts grabbing for his gun while the dog is going crazy and all I can think of is I have lived through a war and I'm going to get killed by an over anxious overzealous police officer.
The cops had a warrant and entered my shop
they found 225 plans and 16 pounds of marijuana
no guns no violence
the detective said to me you want to tell me what the hell's going on around here
I said unfortunately guys you didn't catch the bad guys you caught old guys
he said what do you mean
I said well in 2007 I filed bankruptcy on $8 million i was a builder. My buddy was my framer
No one will lend me money so I can't do my job
as you can see by his disabilities that he's no longer able to frame or run a crew
I told him, my house went into foreclosure and my friends house when in foreclosure and on top of that my my father was losing my family home
I then told him that I was a disabled veteran and that my father was a World War II veteran is also disabled and he relies on me to take him to the VA for his doctors appointments
he saw that I was born and raised in Florida and knew that I wasn't going to be a flight risk he then told me he was not going to take me to jail and that they would contact me and that I should get an attorney right away.
Yea we just were chatting last week, or maybe 2 now. hes doing good, planning a trip at some point back to oregon. IDK if its to stay or just visit. Looks like he handled what needed to be handled and such. Sure am glad he didn't get nailed to the cross on it. Looking forward to seeing if he starts breeding again, is definitely a great addition to the community. I have his last seed he sent me running, the Dream lotus x Critical sensi star. One of my favorites for sure.
handled what needs to be handled eh. I'm chuffed he's not ended up in the clink, though I imagine he could handle that if it happened. he's a strong man. So glad he didn;t get one of these gung ho cops we keep hearing about in the news. Jig was telling me some stats about the amount of people being killed by cops in the US it was at like 2K + already this year. lots of peeps getting shot dead unarmed which just shouldn't happen. no wonder the crowds are shooting cops in the face at protests. not condoning but everything happens for a reason.And as for me, I am doing great. Got my flower cycle going into week 3 now. looking great, and loving the coco. Got my final grades from winter term, very satisfied to see the hard work pay off. Spring break is going by much to fast, but it always does. Will be good to get back to college, get me off my lazy ass a bit more lol.
anyway, hope all is well with ya on the other side of the pond.
it's about as low as it gets eh jimmy. Hemlock will bounce back.thats really sad they need to pose as a cancer patient! 5 years ago i lost a son to cancer and to hear that someone is or has pretended to have cancer just to do something like that to a person that is only trying to help others that are sick! makes me sick! and to be honest it hurts! cancer is nothing to fake! for any reason!! no one deserves to be diagnosed with it and no one deserves to watch it take someone you love more then anything in this world! shame on them! they are the real criminals! im sorry i know this was a bit ago but when i saw what they did to you and how!! it hurts and makes me lose all faith!
Jig was telling me some stats about the amount of people being killed by cops in the US it was at like 2K + already this year. lots of peeps getting shot dead unarmed which just shouldn't happen. no wonder the crowds are shooting cops in the face at protests. not condoning but everything happens for a reason.