BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D


Well-Known Member
I think some parts do say NASA on them :P

Look who went in the ground today:

Scott's OG tree in the ground on 3-16-14!



Well-Known Member
The north garden is where I do want to build a true greenhouse. The big frame is going to be a screenhouse to protect my food crops from critters. Although there is one plant that may be in there:

One of the seeds from the Mulanje tree sprouted near the mom in the mulch. I call it Love Child. It is probably a male :P Looks like a cross between the Mulanje mom and the AOS dad. Stem rub smells like strong Mulanje.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah i do follow your journal ya know lol. the love child is looking pretty good so far dude. looked like something was munching it as a sproutling.

i can't imagine having the space for a crop to eat and smoke. damn this small cold rock in the sea. i want off.


Well-Known Member
You have the best Scotch, Gin, Beer, fish (and chips) and women on the planet so I am not too sad for you :) Oh I also forgot the cars, accent, sausage...

I just posted the pics here to add some pron to your thread. I can stop if you'd rather.

OK - off to have some bread and Bovril.



Well-Known Member
You have the best Scotch, Gin, Beer, fish (and chips) and women on the planet so I am not too sad for you :) Oh I also forgot the cars, accent, sausage...

I just posted the pics here to add some pron to your thread. I can stop if you'd rather.

OK - off to have some bread and Bovril.

i wave to agree on the women i love a dirty british chick :hump:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
You have the best Scotch, Gin, Beer, fish (and chips) and women on the planet so I am not too sad for you :) Oh I also forgot the cars, accent, sausage...
I just posted the pics here to add some pron to your thread. I can stop if you'd rather.
OK - off to have some bread and Bovril.

and the grass is always greener eh!
i wave to agree on the women i love a dirty british chick :hump:
British ladies (esp Scottish) fuk on the first date:)
have to agree with you all. brit birds are reet filth. even the one's you wouldn't ever think would be. that's the best, when you pull a lass and find she's a right nympho lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye lad soon. next weekend, can't wait it's going to be sweet. real shame you can't come n play too mate. bet the digs are a damn site warmer than in that flat in holland eh.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hee heee har har har,, where yu going Donnie mate? I just got baack from Zion National Park ,, it was Amaaaaazing. but them mormans in Utah cap the alchol limit at 4%, the beer was waterered down and I couldn't order a Long Island Ice tea , those fuckerz . Its an aBsoutely gorgeous place. Have fun where ever your headed Donnie mate.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
secret (cannabis) cup in tenerife! can't wait but my spanish is god damned awful! i know the word for lift up and that's about it. besides a very few basic phrases. should be interesting. i'm good at hand gestures thankfully.

4% lol i won't drink a non premium(5%)beer. though i may have seen that as a how to get pissed challenge but iear they have this thing about cutting off drunk people in the states!?!? wtf

in the uk if your standing and have money you get served lol. maybe that's just my city though. we do have a rep for boozing.

where's the pics of Zion!?!


Well-Known Member
Public intoxication can get you put in the clink in the US, we have "drunk tanks" at the jail where it's just a large community shower where you sit and sober up where they can hose you off while you vomit on yourself. In Las Vegas you get some latitude and they let you drink in public there, probably Atlantic City also but I've never been there. Mostly this is a class issue though, if your poor and walking drunk your more likely to wind up in jail with public drunkenness and disorderly conduct charges than if you have some scratch and a cab ride. We still have legacy "puritan" type laws, there is a large percentage that still have those puritan style morals, these are in large part the base of the Republican party here. They are referred to as the "Religious Right".

***Why are these fellas sickos Ambs? You don't like getting freaky? lol ;)
Sounds like I would have fun in England and Scotland!