BB & Dutch Treat x Hash Plant


Well-Known Member
3 x Joey Weed Blueberry and the rest are East Island Dutch Treat x Hash Plant. Currently they're under a 125 W compact florescent. Eventually it'll be 400 W The BB will be topped after the 4th node. Not sure about the others yet.

The BB got their first very light dose of Schultz yesterday.



Well-Known Member
The BB I'm going to top after node 4 or 5 and clone the growing tip. The Dutch Treat looks like it may have a lot of hash plant in it and might be pretty squat. I probably won't top.



Well-Known Member
Topped and will try to clone the first 2 BB. The clones were dipped in rooting hormone and are actually in peat plugs.



Well-Known Member
Started using Foxfarm nutrients which seem to be working well. It's day 4 of flowering for the Blueberry. Lights on at night when its cooler and I can remove the East Island plants and leave them on my balcony during the day for a few more weeks of veg, then put them back in the tent at night. They're pretty short plants so I probably won't top them.



Well-Known Member
Day 8 of flowering for the blueberry. One plant had lots of male flowers suddenly appear practically within a 12 hour period so it's now in the dumpster. I've got 2 of the east island plants now under 12/12 as well.


Well-Known Member
At least 1 of the BB is female and I think the second is as well. All the East Island are now 12/12 as well. I tied down both the BB but I bent a stalk too much so I had to use a some Q-Tip splints. I hope I didn't hurt the plant too much.



Well-Known Member
I fucked up my first set of BB clones with too much light so I took the lowest branches and was able to get them rooting. It was a cloudy day so I gave them some more light. These are about 7-10 days old


My nutrients. The PuraVida Grow is 6-4-3. I mixed up about 1 1/2 gallon ratio of 2-2-1 ingredients and everybody got a couple of cups. Pruned the lowest branches and rearranged a little.



Well-Known Member
2 BB female and I think 4 out of 5 of the East Island seeds are female

Feeding day. I feed once a week and water once.



Well-Known Member
Another feeding day. The Dutch Treat have purple and white flowers. The Blueberry are now getting some molasses when they get watered.



Well-Known Member
3 more weeks for the Blueberry. The bottom leaves are yellowing. I had to tie up some branches because they were tipping over from the weight.
