BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.


Well-Known Member
...and I am becoming you.

Just finished a ridiculous Crop of giants, but did much better
this Crop.

However, with a fleet of plants, many of which look to be too big
when the current crop is done. I will need to take clones.

Here is my Puppy:
View attachment 2918201

I think that he has balls. I will try to collect pollen.


I stand corrected. My Happy Bitch is in a hempy for six or so weeks
of Veg, to get roots along the stem that I buried.

View attachment 2927435

I have chopped her way down. This is "root time".

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
glad you finally joined the party RAS!!!

Im for sure grabbin some CS once i find the best dog pheno and makin some back up seeds just in case.

So for the breeders on here, let me know if this will work.

So im currently growing out the S1 DOG seeds from BB and will be keeping one as Big Momma (recurrent parent for breeding)

For breeding you need a recurrent parent, correct? And what if i hit this parent with its own pollen i make S1s correct?

Now if i grew out those S1s and hit the recurrent parent with the best most similar child of hers that i can find would that be an S2 of an F1 or F2?

And then if i repeated this process would i actually gain any stability?? Im pretty sure it should work regardless of whether its fem pollen or male pollen but im not sure if theres is somethin different with fem pollen or the genes passes on through fem pollen. Kinda like how most color blindness is male dominant because we have an X and Y. Since there are just XXs would this aid or hinder my breeding??

Thanks in advance to any of the breeders out there. This has been messin with my head for a while now.


Well-Known Member
that is an ILB in line bread i would not want to do that myself for the reason you dont inbreed people you can end up with recessive traits. my plan is this

dog s1 {F} X dog Bx2 {M} ________________ dog s1 {F} X BP {M}

_______________dog bx3 X BP BX2 {M}

______________D_BP f3 X D_ BP f3

_______________dog s1 X D_BP f4 {M}

______________D_BP f5 X D_BP f5

________________D_BP X BP {M}

__________________D_BP f7
should at this stage be a true breeding strain and can be set in storage and a new progect starts becuse now you can make new f1 crosses. not that i am an expert but this is based on how thay do it in most all crop plants you really need p1 parents to start . also keep in mind that the starting crosses depend on what my good males and females are. Plans change :eyesmoke:

EDIT what you are talking about is what swerve dose


Well-Known Member
not when it is S1-S1-S1-S1 imo this is why reputable breeders do not do it. If it is ibl with progressing generations of male and female you would be good you will only risk your strain to change some charactaristics over the generations. what he was talking about is bad imo and I would never do it in my garden. i would make a s1 seed from a plant and will be doing it soon with my og to have a seed stock for it if i ever loose it.


Well-Known Member
I didnt think it was bxing if you used the offspring of the recurrent plant to pollinate the recurrent plant. I figured it would be a problem with the IBL but wasnt sure.

I thought swerve just took A and crossed it with B and then took all the Cs and crossed them with Cs then grew out the Ds and crossed them with the Ds.

What i was talking about was taking a1 x a1 or a x b and then taking the most similar to A1 of the offspring and crossing with A1 again and i thought that was how you got the consistent traits but you guys would know better than me.


Well-Known Member
i am not an expert at all i just would not do it most breeders will take a clone only say romulan and they crossed it to w. rhino then they took and they started crossing back to the romulan cut same with C99 they had JH X ?{M} that was Princess B.Grim crossed it with a shiva skunk that was 50/50 Princess X SS then back to the princess this was 75/25 P/SS then back to Prencess for the last time this is C99 not a s1 to s1 to s1 thats all i am saying.


Well-Known Member
they got a lot of porn on there i will have to find a copy of it i like my books as books it would be good for the library


Well-Known Member
I got you. I was just confused cause i read something about the cinderella 99 thing by chimera that said it like that but i must just be explaining it wrong. Ill get it figured out. My main concern was using the pollen all from female plants. haha. Ill figure it out. I just dont get when the Fs change from 1-2 and shit. ill look for the post i read, gotta get Stew in here! or the DUCK!

this is what i read and it helped a little more..


Well-Known Member
nice bud i liked that i have watched some videos with him as well thanks. the way i had it laid out to me years back, and you can see like he said only one back cross to each p1 parent is done.

p1{true breeding} X p1

this gives you a true f1 like a burpless cucumber it creates a phenomenon known as hybrid vigor where it takes the best traits from both parents combine them in the best way they could be, grow faster, more healthy, and yield more.

f1 X f1

this gives you an f2 they will so any combination of traits from the p1s

f2 X p1 mother

this is the f3 gen you will cross two f3s

f3 X f3

this is your f4

f4 X p1 father

now you are at f5

f5 X f5
now you are at a f6 and all should be stable by now you will cross this back to the p1 mother as a test of stability
and if not back as many gens as needed. this takes a lot of clones, time, effort, space, luck, and skill. no seed companies put these out you would only get the f1 from most. if they took the time the other companies would buy a pack grow them out, cross them and sell there own f1s.


Well-Known Member
Budbro, I don't think I would go down the line of backcrossing using on feminized strains. To stabilize you have to introduce some male genetics in there. For the BX dog's I used a male from the OG kush line that half the came was made from. Second generation I used a male from the F1's to create the second BX, or BX2's. Essentially every generation your male is becoming closer and closer (in theory) to that of the female as far as its chromosomes are concerned.


Well-Known Member
dank female + strong male = dank 2.0

that is as far as i have got with my breeding knowledge.

i've got the basics down though hey?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I was more than positive using all female pollen wasnt going to work for more than 1 generation. But ive got some kings kush (grape ape x og) X Purple kush seeds i accidently made when i flowered a male that i thought was a girl. Threw it inflower looked at it 2 days later and that guy was filled with sacks. Males definitely flower/show sex really fast.

So i might grow out those and find a really nice grape ape dom male and cross it with the dog for my breeding project. Good thing is i have about 100 of the Kings Kush X Purple Kush so ill be able to find some good traits.

My original plan was to grow out the seeds from that and try to stabilize the line a little for a grape ape dom pheno because the mother of all the seeds was the most grape apey of the kings kushes and grape ape is one of my favorite strains.

Thanks again for the help though guys.

Now which one of you is gonna make some cherry pie seeds????? Even some S1s would be a blast to grow out.


Well-Known Member
That gg is some good stuff from what I have been told. Sounds like it could be a really good cross. My male I am working with was like that I thought it was a female till it flowered.


Well-Known Member
Cant believe i did not subscribe and forgot about this. Damn.. But im back lol :D
Dog fem dwc1- This is pretty crazy 55cm tall and 85cm wide. Looking like a fat christmas tree. Bully Dog filling up the tent.
Dog fem dwc2- This one is about 50cm tall and has all the nodes up side with the top. It made its own scrog without a net. Awesome.
Dog fem soil- Topped at 4.node for 8 tops. Every green color there is, even seem a little blueish :) This have me looking twice at soil.
Soil dog pictures. Ran out of batteries. Showing dwc dogs tomorrow.
Can someone set a timeframe from start developing balls to jizz? Wanna try to get some pollen without pollinating the room :)
Edit: Dog in soil is fem to from what my journal says :)


Well-Known Member
Its usually a few days if its been veggin for a while and is really mature. Mine was chillin for aboutu 2 months before i got around to flowering it and i came back 3 days later and my crop was seeded. haha. So if theyre mature be ready to pluck that guy. You might even want to take him in another room/closet if possible and just throw a single cfl in there. hell i bet if you gave him 24 hours of dark hed throw off a dozen sacks and another day or 2 of 12/12 and itd be spittin pollen.

DR, the ones that got crossed were the kings kush and the purple kush. I wish the grape god was there to get hit too. GG was/is one of the best smokes ive ever had/grown. Not #1 in the flavor category or potency or smell.. But like #2 in all categories. The high was really one of the best things along with a good flavor and good smell and it was frosty and got you high for a while.

I might have to grab a few more seeds of grape god and do a cross with the DOG. Have to get the regs seeds this time though.

Make some GODDOG

What do you call those? Palindromes?

haha DIBS on that strain/name as well.... hahaha

Ive got some pictures im editing right now of my mutant ass dogs. Just wait til you see how these things are growing.


Well-Known Member
Looking through my journal these should all be s1 fem. Just showing a few pods. So using s1 jizz on my lemon skunk is not the way to go?
Pretty certain i have both s1 phenos in dwc as they grow so differently.