Battling the Borg - Spider Mites

sure it worked on those black fuckers you can see with the naked eye but try that shit on some broad mites and get back to me..
Azamax is a fairly strong poison with residual effects.

Budz said nothing about Azamax!

I decided to scour the web and do my own experimenting ( since this plant is THE GUINEA PIG )
I figured it was do or die time.

I experimented with the typical soapy / Alcohol mix but decided to ramp it up greatly.

3 cups water
6-8 drops dawn or similar dish soap
3 tablespoon of iso alcohol ( 50 or 70 % )
1 tablespoon Everclear

Since i had the EVERCLEAR for extraction purposes , i figured i would NAPALM those little fuckers .

That's what he used!
Although Forbid 4F is a good product, it's some nasty stuff with systemic action. The whole reason I started growing back in the 70's is because government spraying paraquat in the fields. If I have to use it now I'll go through 2 generations of clones before I'll run them in production again.
I'm surprised you guys don't know about H2O2.

Not the drugstore kind which is only 3%

Go to a beauty supply and buy 20-40%. Dilute to ~ 10% and drench the hell out of the leafs (both sides) first thing in the morning, but anytime as long as it will completely dry before lights out. Repeat 5-7 days

Non toxic, byproduct is water and dead mites. Works on all bugs
Although Forbid 4F is a good product, it's some nasty stuff with systemic action. The whole reason I started growing back in the 70's is because government spraying paraquat in the fields. If I have to use it now I'll go through 2 generations of clones before I'll run them in production again.
I have used Forbid 4F and it has saved my garden. I used it ONCE in early veg and they were gone within a week. This product is a Translaminar NOT systemic, meaning it does not move through the plants vascular system but is absorbed into the leaves. It provides 4 to 8 weeks of protection.
The product is very concentrated 0.6 to 1.2 ml per gallon.
It comes in 8oz bottles for around $225.00
I found it for sale on eBay for 18.99 for 1oz. I have a small garden and this should last me a long time.
Here is the link:
Read and follow all directions!
Although Forbid 4F is a good product, it's some nasty stuff with systemic action. The whole reason I started growing back in the 70's is because government spraying paraquat in the fields. If I have to use it now I'll go through 2 generations of clones before I'll run them in production again.

Sigh.....I get tired of misconceptions.

Sir, I do not like systemics or strong poison or nerve based toxins for use as insecticides.

I have in the past. Posted documentation on actual toxicology reports by colleges and governments (EU) on Forbid. I researched deeper into the actual active chemical and it's toxicology....
In short, it represents almost no danger to humans, other then possible skin irritation/eye in it's concentrated pure chemical form.
It is derived from an organic acid. How it's bound to other inactive non organic ingredients for delivery, is how it loose's it's ability to be labeled organic.

This product is a one and done mite killer. One of the "big 3" and due to the same type of research. I will not use AVID or FLORAMITE!

Please DO NOT come back and list the cautions on the bottle as any indication of it's danger. Insecticide labels a mearly a Federal regulation and each level of danger rating is a generic labeling that can cover a wide area. Forbid falls into the "Caution" rated level for the possible irritation of the skin and eye's.

Thank you for your input and I hope I gave you at lest working information for you to search and confirm my findings.
I believe it's use is still banned in California. Not that it means much.
I guess I'm lucky that I only have to battle with them every 6-7 years, but i still go by the notion that I want the cleanest smoke I can get.
And I suppose if I spent 6 million a year on lobbying and the recent acquisition of Monsanto I could find someone to agree.
Call me a pessimist but in my 60+ years on this earth I've seen too many corporations putting shit out there for profit only to come back 10-20 years later with the true consequences of their products.
A pound of horticultural sulfur costs 10 bucks and a dollar store scented oil burner. Burn the sulfur in almost any size room for 2 or 3 hours depending on size and it will kill everything, . Stop wasting your money on chemicals, I did. You can safely use a sulfur burn up to 5 or 6 weeks into flower without any smell or residue on the smoke, and every couple weeks for preventative maintenance but not necessary. I scrape off the first inch layer of soil on all the pots to kill any of the hidden bastards and when its done I put a half inch of sand on top to stop anything from laying eggs. T