Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC


Well-Known Member
Anyone around here play this, trying to get into it, but can't find anyone to play it with online. It's like the servers died and everyone went elsewhere.


Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Black Ops came out. I love BFBC2...such a GREAT game...very well done. It just fell by the wayside when fuckin BRO OPS came out...ugh.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, bunch of guys at work were trying to get me into it. I never liked the map size of the COD's, good games I just always felt the play areas were too small. BFBC2 has maps where you can really get a group of guys together on vent and throw some serious tactics into it. Thats what online FPS's are to me, it's all about working with your buddies to complete and objective. Nothing like covering your boys back with a light machine gun while he crashes an objective. Just sayin, thats good shit right there.


Well-Known Member
bf is dope, some actual real physics to have fun with. nothing better then the destroyable enviroment, ide love to blow up some campers spot in blackops with a rocket through the wall. i feel like they did a great job making you feel like the heat of battle (mad explosions and good gun noises). and cmon cod, when your a mile away sniping with an mp5 its a bit redic. love the bullet drop in bf


Well-Known Member
hello i play battlefield everyday for hours i would be willing to team up with you hope that helps
I've been trying to get on all morning, took the day off work so I could sit around in my underwear and cap communists but there was LITTERALLY 0 players on any servers? Maybe it's because I don't have the Vietnam expansion. I need to get that shit payday. I'll add you to contacts though, I'm always down for some squad mates