Battlefield 3


New Member
hey i no i got this in the wrong section but i couldnt figure out where i should start this thread so i just said fuck it and started it in here. anyone play ps3? and anyone play battlefield 3 or modern warfare 3?


Well-Known Member
I used to for around 50 hours straight. Got burned out, might pick it back up for the expansion. Really not a smoking friendly game.


New Member
lol i get stoned and play multiplayer online its smoker friendly for me just every time you die you take a hit lol


lol i get stoned and play multiplayer online its smoker friendly for me just every time you die you take a hit lol
I'd join you for BF3 but I'm not on a PS3 unfortunately. I prefer playing with people that are stoned - at least they aren't yelling and screaming into the mic all the time...


New Member
I'd join you for BF3 but I'm not on a PS3 unfortunately. I prefer playing with people that are stoned - at least they aren't yelling and screaming into the mic all the time...

lol yea i dont even use a mic because i get so irritated with people talking on there i figure they dont wanna here me lol. what do you play on? if you are on computer i think there is a way to connect to the ps3 users friend list and somehow play together but im not sure


I have BF3 on xbox but haven't actually been playing it much since my Skyrim addiction got out of control. Talking about BF3 is making me want to play again though - I kind of just forgot about it even though I was a BFBC2 addict... and I still need to check out the new maps that came out for it awhile back.


i've never played bf3 but i used to play mw3, game stressed me out so bad i broke my xbox :wall:
Not even going to bother buying another shooter game ever again i think.. well till the next call of duty :lol:


Well-Known Member
BF3 multiplayer, on a shit-hot PC is the total nuts - it absolutly rocks!! My mates got some crazy £1600 homebuilt PC that just makes the whole game look & sound amazing - its sheerly stunning & totally freaking mental when its all kicking off & ur trying to shoot down attack choppers with ur auto shotgun! lol!

Totally one of the best games in the world - all the BF's were brilliant!