Battlefield 3


Well-Known Member
I just pre-ordered this game for PC today! I can't wait until it comes out, Oct 25th, shit is going to be EPIC!

I'm getting it on midnight!

In the process of upgrading my PC... or building a completely new one! to max out the settings!

Games these days are getting crazy, I heard COD pulled in over $100 million in one day and this is supposed to break that record!

Anybody else getting this game?



Well-Known Member
Awww dudes, I can't stand to use an analog stick for a first person shooter. Using the mouse is much funner to me!

COD was cool, but I found it to be too linear, like the Medal of Honor games, whereas BF2 and BF3 are free range FPS's, kind of like the GTA of the military, including JETS and CHOPPERS! Shit is awesome when you get a squad of 4 or 5 guys who know how to play in a team!


Well-Known Member
i preorderd it yesterday, traded in halo reach and black ops for the extra 30% credit towards the preorder.


Well-Known Member
Getting it for PC also :)

I refused to buy MW3 after I heard they where using the same fucking engine as in mw2 and black cocks....
I'm sick of them tweaking a few things and repackaging it...


Well-Known Member
PC gamers are more skilled than console gamers. :D
Awww dudes, I can't stand to use an analog stick for a first person shooter. Using the mouse is much funner to me!

COD was cool, but I found it to be too linear, like the Medal of Honor games, whereas BF2 and BF3 are free range FPS's, kind of like the GTA of the military, including JETS and CHOPPERS! Shit is awesome when you get a squad of 4 or 5 guys who know how to play in a team!


Battlefield 3 is the first game I've pre-ordered in years. Bad Company 2 is the best FPS I've played, and I'm hoping BF 3 can top it.

Who has bc2? On ps3? I just got it today from a friend.
I've got BC 2, send me a friend invite. My PSN ID is Vapemore420. I blaze up and play all the time.


Well-Known Member
Oh fuck yeah! Midnight launch I'm picking it up and smoking myself retarded before I turn it on! It's like you're actually IN the game! Awww dude, I can't WAIT!!


Well-Known Member
Battlefield 3 is the first game I've pre-ordered in years. Bad Company 2 is the best FPS I've played, and I'm hoping BF 3 can top it.

I've got BC 2, send me a friend invite. My PSN ID is Vapemore420. I blaze up and play all the time.
Alright, warning I probably will suck, if you have bc 1 I would rather play that because like no shut I'm the best I've ever seen and I have played it since when it came out (well maybe not bet but def top 5).


New Member
If you build a computer stay away from OCZ power supplies, they're unstable and it killed my motherboard and sound card


Well-Known Member
Battlefield 3 is the first game I've pre-ordered in years. Bad Company 2 is the best FPS I've played, and I'm hoping BF 3 can top it.

I've got BC 2, send me a friend invite. My PSN ID is Vapemore420. I blaze up and play all the time.
I'm downloading bc 2 now but I will send a friend invite afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Destructible environments, vehicle combat including tanks, jeeps, APC's, Jets and choppers, infantry combat with 4 classes, levels that take place in Paris, NYC, and Washington and the Middle East, 64 player combat, 4 maps from BF2, 9 new maps, epic graphics, new Frostbite 2 engine (also going into the next Need for Speed)!

I feel like it's Christmas! lmao


Well-Known Member
Destructible environments, vehicle combat including tanks, jeeps, APC's, Jets and choppers, infantry combat with 4 classes, levels that take place in Paris, NYC, and Washington and the Middle East, 64 player combat, 4 maps from BF2, 9 new maps, epic graphics, new Frostbite 2 engine (also going into the next Need for Speed)!

I feel like it's Christmas! lmao
damn dude this shit doesn't come out until next month, calm down lmfao.