Battle Wounds


Active Member
i know we all have battle wounds of some sort, this is a place to share how u got ur battle wounds...i will start

i have a massive scar that goes across my stomach from the belly button to the hips, i got this because i was high and fell asleep with a smoke on my stomach...went through all my clothing and made one serious burn
i also have a weird scar between my big toe and second toe...somehow a sliding door hit it and severely cut could see the bone and everything but never went to hospital...just wrapped it up and let it heal


Global Moderator
Staff member
i know we all have battle wounds of some sort, this is a place to share how u got ur battle wounds...i will start

i have a massive scar that goes across my stomach from the belly button to the hips, i got this because i was high and fell asleep with a smoke on my stomach...went through all my clothing and made one serious burn
i also have a weird scar between my big toe and second toe...somehow a sliding door hit it and severely cut could see the bone and everything but never went to hospital...just wrapped it up and let it heal
Cigarettes are bad for you.
The can even hurt you when you're not smoking them.


Well-Known Member
E="Fungus Gnat, post: 10682448, member: 219746"]
That is bad ass.......the old jaws reference Captain quint a a bad MOFO
OK here is one of mine......My mother god rest her soul bought her eldest son a ninga blender for Christmas several years back........cause I like Margaritas.
Well one night after several stiff mrgaritas I decided I needed some water before bedtime
Well what I didn't know was the wife had cleaned the ninga and neatly put every thing in the dish drainer........well I come into the kitchen and proceed to try and find a cup for some aqua while I was blindly grouping around a cup in the dish drainer Knock the ninga 9 blade chopper out of the dish drainer right on top of my right foot just between my 3rd toe and my 4th toe impaling my foot all the way thru to the kitchen floor.......I reached down and felt that it was stuck very good........I immediately screamed for the wife .....she cme into the kitchen and cut the light on and screamed........ I thought I'd cut my toe off but I didn't one hospital trip and 12 stitches later it makes for. Good story and yes I still drink margerittas from the foot impaling ninga blender.........waistin away in margeritaville!!!!


Active Member
scar on my nose when I rode a lawnmower off a cliff.

scar on my upper lip from when a "friend" swung a sword at me

scars up each wrist from suicide attempts.

Big scar (about 4" by 1") up my left calf from staph infection.

Those are all the major ones anyway.
i understand about the suicide attemp ones i have a couple too from that, thankfully you are still with us :)


Active Member
E="Fungus Gnat, post: 10682448, member: 219746"]
That is bad ass.......the old jaws reference Captain quint a a bad MOFO
OK here is one of mine......My mother god rest her soul bought her eldest son a ninga blender for Christmas several years back........cause I like Margaritas.
Well one night after several stiff mrgaritas I decided I needed some water before bedtime
Well what I didn't know was the wife had cleaned the ninga and neatly put every thing in the dish drainer........well I come into the kitchen and proceed to try and find a cup for some aqua while I was blindly grouping around a cup in the dish drainer Knock the ninga 9 blade chopper out of the dish drainer right on top of my right foot just between my 3rd toe and my 4th toe impaling my foot all the way thru to the kitchen floor.......I reached down and felt that it was stuck very good........I immediately screamed for the wife .....she cme into the kitchen and cut the light on and screamed........ I thought I'd cut my toe off but I didn't one hospital trip and 12 stitches later it makes for. Good story and yes I still drink margerittas from the foot impaling ninga blender.........waistin away in margeritaville!!!![/QUOTE]

of course u cant stop drinking margaritas over that, we have all done stupid things drunk or high


Well-Known Member
many scars. got my tendons and nerves cut on my right hand so some sexy scars on my fingers, fell off my bike into a rusted car again right hand all cut.

my arm has some dirty ones from cutting for fun, depression annd heroin don't mix


Well-Known Member
.357 dimple where ass and thigh meet, reconstructive surgery of lower face, partially severed right thumb, scar right hand from plate glass, self-surgery left calf...............

bunch of broken bones, including L1 spine, face, arm, both hands. wtf........................


Well-Known Member
I've got a shit load of scars. Worst two...stab wound in left shoulder. Giant scar across the back of my head caused by a scorned lover with a jack Daniels bottle.