Battery grow...


New Member
i know lol:lol: but you've all put me off for now! if i ever decide to go ahead with it i will post it in here! im sure you would want to see these square tires in action!

and idea not ideal...its something i been thinking of over the last few weeks...nothing is in play atm so it was an idea!
you say idea i say ideal lol
anyways i like see someone try to think outside the box and try not to discourage but this plan is just to many challenges bro
dont u have a plan b?
and btw someone beat u on the square tire ideal [video=youtube;QDPGlABa8DI][/video]


New Member
hahaha...yes theres a plan b but i will have to wait much longer lol

im being vague as to not give location away but no it hasnt
glad there is a plan b
not trying to discourage u from growing
just hate see u go to all that trouble and it fails

Cajun Grower

Active Member
anyway he tries it the expence will far out weigh weed he's gonna get off a measly 600wts of cfl definitly not worth time money r trouble ! i grew wth cfls for almost a yr and it takes alot more than tht to get decent plants was running around 2000wts wasnt doing the job my 600hps doubles wht all those cfls were doing ! ur wasting ur time !