Let's play connect the dots.
60% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana.
10% smoke on a regular basis
I don't know why I should be persecuted for a harmless plant by the personal army of the ignorant? And since baked is my state of being most of the time (I have bad anxiety, some agoraphobia and ocd), that is how most of my interactions with people will be. I shouldn't feel like my life will be threatened because of the way I'm dressed that day or if I smell a little ( I don't drive baked ) when I'm in the car.
Conversely people with prescription opiates can drive high and with drugs (and sometimes kids) in their cars. Cokeheads can easily pass drug tests. Drunks can wait out duis. Why should I be pulled over in the first place?Why should I be shot if I'm a little slow reaching for my wallet?
And do you know who's policies those are? Republicans and Conservatives. Now let's look at drug use between the races and sentencing guidelines and you can see where race plays into the equation in cop stops.
Old clucking Conservative religious ladies and angry old men protect their pain pills while chastising minorities and some young people for smoking weed. Vote for people like George Bush and Sick Cheney and now Trump
What do they call the police for? To protect their property over someone's life. Which brings us back to the Police and my anxiety. I don't need that shit and I don't need your dick sucking police apologist ass not knowing their vote directly contributes to this.