Bathroom Growing


Well-Known Member
Bagseed? Do you know the genetics? What kind of soil are you using? What kind of nutrients do you plan on using? What is the grow space?

Just thought I'd throw out some questions there to get the ball rolling on your journal.
Its just two random seeds from a bag and we are hoping ones a female. Right now we are using Advanced Nutrient B52 and they are in Miracle Gro soil with 30% perlite


Well-Known Member
Wow. Hrm... That's an interesting combo you've got going there. Most Advanced Nutrients users wouldn't be caught dead using Miracle Grow soil. What type of miracle grow is it? You know Advanced Nutrients B-52 is merely a B-vitamin supplement that should (traditionally) be used in addition to a base nutrient (Advanced Nutrients' SensiGrow/SensiBloom or Grow/Bloom/Micro to name a few).
oh sweet ill try that. yeah i didnt know very much about growing when i first got this soil so i added perlite to it and transplanted them so it would have better drainage.


Well-Known Member
Depending on what type of MG soil it is, you may not need to feed your plant for a month or so. What kind is it?


Well-Known Member
You can probably do without nutrients for a couple weeks. There are some nutrients already in the soil, and did you use MG perlite? That also has trace amounts of MG nutrients in it. A lot of people have great success with Fox Farm's nutrient trio, Advanced Nutrients makes some great products, many people swear by Jack's Classic nutrients and they are under $20 apparently. Look around, see how much you want to spend, then make some purchases on a nice base nutrient.

B-52 is a great additive though. It's used mostly for shock stages (seedling breaking the ground, transplanting, switching photoperiods) when plants need B-vitamins the most. When you give it B-52, it allows the plant to stop making B-vitamins internally, and focus the energy elsewhere into the plant. And since it's from AN, it's "pH Perfect."
I just started using the B52 after I transplanted them. Yes it was MG perlite. Thanks for the suggestions I will look into Jack's Classic.

kc kong

Is there any need for extra ventilation if theres only two plants in a 8ft x 6and a half ft room. How bad will theses plants smell in the future?


Well-Known Member
Smell is totally strain-dependent. As far as ventilation, if you're concerned with the smell, then a carbon filter and exhaust fan may be worth your time. Or some ONA Gel. But if you're temperatures are bearable, and the smell isn't too bad, a circulation fan should be enough.
I have now added four more 26w 6500k cfl bulbs so each plant has 4 bulbs over it now. I also added For Farms Grow Big liquid plant food. We will add more pics in about a week


anyone can guess on its sex but its too soon to tell. whether its an indica or a sativa will become more clear as it continues to grow. sativas are lankie, sorta xmas tree shaped while indicas are more bushy. most likely its a hybrid of sorts. if it was a pure sativa the fingers on your fan leaves would probably be a little skinnier.

what do you plan on flowering under?

kc kong

we found out today that one plant is a female.(all plants are still under 18/6 lights) Its has to be an auto bud plant.

Does anyone know how long it takes auto budding plants to bud completely?

will post more pics later tonight!