Bat Guano


Well-Known Member
well then does anyone know of any good places for aquiring good mostly organic nutes in the us? that isnt online.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Check all of your local garden centers/greenhouses. The more "mom and pop" the better. The big box stores carry fish emulsion..but usually little else that is "organic".

And you should have no paranoia about ordering garden fertilizers over the net. Go to a reputable place that sells a lot of stuff and go for it. is a killer place w/ a wide variety of ferts, amendments and microbes. I've ordered from em many times and they are safe and reliable.

Guano is a fertilizer surrounded in controversy. Evidently the harvesting practices are not environmentally friendly and the caves where it is sourced are often damaged severely. there are other organics that will do the same thing....but each person must decide what is best for them...etc.

good luck

bt dt