Bastardized Bhang Lassi with Budder

Undercover Cop

Active Member
I made some pretty good budder recently, took a few days alternating slowly heating the butter/bud for about 2hrs in a small pot, then directly into the freezer where it would stay until I had another two hours free to tend it while it slowly thawed and warmed again. I basically warmed/froze it about 5 times (I was in no hurry) then strained it a few times... Good budder. nothing special.
But I wanted to share a way Ive come to dose with it... I was reading about the traditional Indian Bhang Lassi drink, which is a warm milk concoction where the milkfat absorbs the THC and is the medium, then its mixed with different spices and sugar for flavor. Well I didnt have any buds available to mash into milk.
So I tried this... about 3 fingers (1.5-2") worth of whole milk in a glass. Warm it up (I nuke it for 30secs) Add a tea-table spoon worth of sugar, and any other flavorings to make it very sweet. Ive been adding strawberry pancake syrup, but Im sure hot cocoa or hersheys syrup would work well too. Mix well. make sure its still warm, and tastes very sweet. Add one tea-table spoon of budder and mix well. The budder will melt but will still float ontop of the milk since they wont mix. The milk is basically a very delicious couter to the kinda funky taste of straight budder. But you can kick this back in 2-3 gulps, it tastes fantastic, when I use strawberry syrup, it basically tastes like a slightly buttery strawberry milkshake. But since the budder floats on top, thats all you will be able to smell when you drink it. Im not a fan of the green smell of budder so its a little off-putting to me, but it tastes good, and is alot easier than having to cook something up to use budder. takes less than 2 minutes to get a good solid dose, nothing easier except to take a straight spoonful. Sure it might be easier to eat an already cooked edible (brownie/cookie etc) but this way you can be sure of exactly how much you dose, and can add or remove some depending on what you're looking for. My buddy swears its his new favorite way to partake, I still like a clean rip of some kindbud but it definately does have its advantages. I dont drink alcohol, so this is a nice cocktail to mix up when a friend pops in. enjoy!