basic nutrient knowledge needed


Active Member
hey everyone,

sorry to sound so stupid but i dont understand how this nutrient thing works.

iv got 25 seedlings under veg currently being transplanted to 600wt hps being under cfls for 3 weeks.

i know after 3 weeks the nutrients should be given, so i started. iv got hydro a, and hydro b, im sorry to all, dont flame me i just dont get it. the company i bought my kit of dont want to help no more, complete twats.

iv read the directions and it said add 5-10ml per litre which i have done. my nft water base needed aprox 30 litres, so i added 10ml to each litre. and i used hydro a.

since doing this, the leaves on my plants are looking crippled and look like they wont grow outwards but more inwards cripplin. theres a slight colour change, and theyr looking darker green then the other seedlins i currently have under cfls.

im aware it must be ph fluctuation, but i dont know how to control this. people around here say, 1/4 or 1/2 strengh, what the hell is this all? im just following directions from the bottle.

also i have a cf meter, ph meter, both handheld electronic. i really dont know how to work these both. shop i bought from dont give a shit cuz they have my money now. they promiised help after sale but not keeping to their word.

i read somewhere i need to calibarate my ph meter in the calibrate solution whilst at ph 7 for 2 min. iv done this, and when i chek its not the same as using the drops with the chart which are accurate.

and this cf meter thing, i dont get it. i put it in the water with nutrients and it reads 7. im from uk guys, and honestly dont know what the hells going on.

please dont flame my post, i just need help. and sorry for my language, iv put so ,much time and effort and money into this, its killing me.:cry:



Wall of text... Don't feel like reading everything :? but I will tell you that you have to wait 2 weeks and then give 1/4 of the recommended portion of nutrients :joint:


Active Member
Wall of text... Don't feel like reading everything :? but I will tell you that you have to wait 2 weeks and then give 1/4 of the recommended portion of nutrients :joint:
wall of text??? and you dont feel like reading it? then why bother replyin? your response did not help the slightest. thanks for trying.