Basic Knowledge


Well-Known Member
I grew up believing everyone that used cannabis was good people. It had been my experience even until recently. then I got my medical card, met lots more people, disappointed in my lifelong assumption.
best mj reading I've done was jorge cervantes grow bible, leaves no stone unturned.
one error though, beware; shining red light on seeds will NOT influence their sex. matter of fact, nothing will, the sex is set before that seed is mature in its comfy calyx while forming. jorge has corrected the misinformation since and agrees, until we find some purple arc'd voodoo ray someday.


Well-Known Member
Buy Jorge Cervantes grow bible as mention, or cruise through the hundreds of threads here for free. If you want to do something it will take work, people can only teach you so much without you having experience growing. It is really learn as you go till you get an understanding. Cheers and good luck


New Member
Hang out on this site & read up.
Everything you need to know about growing has been discussed here.

And as a plus there are some really cool pep's that hang here too.

Bodda Bing, Bodda Boom
Thanks man just moved to california so i gotta gwt situated and everything in order before i get ME time unfortunately