Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)


Well-Known Member
The day is done
and yet renewed, as rising light
falls with morning dew

I can hear the drop
can u hear the drop
the drop goes drip
I can hear the drip
the drip from the drop


Ursus marijanus
A moonless desert
without even beasts of prey
lies waste in my soul.

I came from darkness;
to darkness I will return.
But for now, I squint.


Ursus marijanus
Garishly speechless,
a scrap of ad flier nests
under a rear tire.

Action figure limb
trapped in cracked landfill road; thus
do the heroes die.


Well-Known Member
TGA does rock
Lemon pledge and lime odor
At just four weeks in

CH9 silver
Huge haze grows large thick colas
Worst bud I have grown

Critical Kush plant
Deep delicious pine forest
Will be smoking soon


Ursus marijanus
There's something pristine
Soothingly melancholy
'bout a dark Inbox.

I tried to reach her
but the look she gave me said
error four oh four



Ursus marijanus
The male paradox:
I stared at her jouncing cheeks
as she stormed away.

In one head I knew
it was over! But the other
reached, waved, "please come back".

Nothing's so wanted
as that which was freely to be
had until that day.
