In case you libtards missed it, only hours after the massacre Obama found a camera and a mike and admitted "that gun violence is something we should politicize”. Those were his own words.
Again, "The Five", FNN, rises to the occasion with an excellent debate this issue yesterday.
Ya'll missed it.
You are literally too stupid to understand what he meant. Instead you chug down the Fox News Kool-Aid and sit there like a little baby, crying that Obama has "politicized" this event.
Somehow this has become routine,” Obama said. “
The reporting is routine, my response here at this podium ends up being routine. And what becomes routine is the response from those who oppose any sort of gun control legislation.""
The line that "guns don't kill people, people kill people!" Is moronic at best, because to really get that body count, to really strike fear into the heart of people you do need a gun. Like someone else pointed out: What would the body count be with a baseball bat? Sure there was that one attack in China that was a stabbing spree, but how many people died?
4 people died, and it took 8 people wielding knives. There's no other fucking way to cut it. And you sit there with your little NRA hard on for things that go bang, like you literally want to be able to stick your dick into the barrel of a shotgun and fuck it, because of the 2nd Amendment. But, honestly, it has to stop. One single individual does not need thirteen different guns. In what reality does a single need that much individual firepower? If that is indeed reality, it's a pretty fucking scary one and you need to go see a therapist for your schizo-paranoid fantasies. This guy had six firearms on him and he had seven more at home (or vice versa I forgot which one).
Then let's forget about all the mass shootings that took place during the Bush Administration and how
he fucking politicized them by harping on about terrorism, and how we should have more domestic intelligence to stop further terror attacks. Fuck Obama right? But, hooray Bush! Fuck the liberals! But, yay GOP! More guns so we can all have gun battles in public areas! We'll be like cowboys! Yee-fuckin-haw.
Then, to add to this, you're sitting there going Obama shouldn't politicize this! Look at how bad he is! He wants to control our guns, oh oh oh he wants to taaake them!
You are politicizing it by doing this, you're pushing your own agenda which is the one to try to make Obama look bad at any chance you can take to take a shot at him (no pun intended). Are you literally that stupid to not see this? And all the news commentators going "Well, hurr hurr, Obama is politicizing it! The shooters name was..." Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up already!
They're politicizing it. This guy essentially held our
entire fucking nation hostage during the 24 hours news cycle. The
terror that he wanted to spread has gone
past his fucking death. We had a real fucking simple choice, and your fucking idiots on The Five pandered right into it: "I feel so insignificant. This is the only chance I'll ever get to be on the news." And look, you're still discussing it in the media, The Five had what? An entire episode that dealt with it? So they gave into his demands, his name is everywhere, his photo is everywhere. And that's simply fucking that: You keep talking about the shooter, or you keep talking about the President, but do you actually care about the people? No, you fucking don't and you've proved it. The only thing you, and your little Conservative stupid media, care about is trying to make the President look bad at any and every turn.
If you cared about the people, why not talk about them? Why not talk about how we're going to fucking
prevent this in the future? But no, you literally do not care -- and that's the funniest thing about this: The Republican Party and Republicans once again show how selfish they are. "Keep your hands off of
my gun. It's
my 2nd Amendment right. It's
my right." Mine mine mine, gimme gimme gimme, I want more guns, I should have more guns. Give them to me now! Now! Now now now now now. You literally sound like a child who's about to have its toy taken away because it's bedtime, or nap time, or time to do your homework.
We did need to talk about what happened, but not about
him. We do need to talk about gun control, because this is getting really fucking old. Where will it happen next?
You should be fucking ashamed.
Or are you too stupid, or are you too blind? Or is it both?
You're literally no better than our stupid chimpanzee cousins. Some of us want to live in a civilized world.
Edited to add: Who wants to take bets that one of the Conservafuckwits only quotes something at the beginning of the post, or at the very end? And just screams, cries, and bitches rather than saying something constructive?