Edit: What strain that is obtainable by seed is the best Sativa strain that is least racy by your opinion, and what is your favorite strain?
I'm sick and cant have caffeine or anything, and need a good sativa that will pep me up a bit without making my heart pound for so long. I have only had a few Sat's that were real heart racy, and I couldnt tell you what strains I have had that were of a good Sativa strain in my opinion.
Did Tangerine Dream make your heart speed up like an average Sativa, or did you genuinely enjoy it all around?
It's supposed to only grow 1 meter tall with up to a 500 Gr Yield. People are using "Air-Pots" (not Smart Pots) and are getting a minimum yield gain of 30%+ by the way these pots air prune the roots and not ball up. Tangerine Dream should be a really good yielder when you take into account that simple things like the correct pot, soil, nutrients, topping, tieing down etc can double a yield which is even more effective than an increase if someone kept their regular setup and ran Co2.
Sorry, I went on about the yield thing and totally got off of subject, but 1 Meter isnt that tall for 550Gr, is it?
I've just been researching so many facts on how a bunch of people get a minimum % gain when compared side by side, and keep adding little %'s until the potential is double or more