Barney's Pineapple Chunk x4, Dutch Passion Blueberry x1, GHS Bubba Kush x1


Well-Known Member
All these plants have been repotted now for a week and were put down into the flowering tent this evening to start their 12/12 to follow in the next few days!


Well-Known Member
Okay, well I guess I didn't get those pictures taken there..oops. It's been quite busy here - started a new job again and things have been active outside in the flower garden etc.

These plants are now just finished their 2nd week of flower and have done some major stretching - had to move up the lights a few times this past week. I applied the 'twisting' trick again this grow and have seen some of the tops bulk up nicely due to that....I think it helps them stay a bit shorter too.

Overall though, this round hasn't been looking very good so far - these girls (yes, all 6 turned out 100% female!!) didn't get the TLC they deserved so far this summer as we've been busy with a really large Vanilla Kush harvest recently as well as a nice Red Dragon harvest not too much earlier before that.... but not the kind of 'problems' I find any reason to complain about! However this round was kinda neglected a bit late in veg and they ended up getting the reused soil from the VK plants which I think caused some stress to them - possilbly some nutrients left in there that didn't help. Oh well, thier all budding up now and the next 6-8 weeks should be interesting. The blueberry plant and the bubba-kush are both just growing a single stalk which should bulk up good since their full focus will be on a single stalk of buds...staying rather short too! 2 of the 4 Pineapple Chunk plants have stretched about 4 inches this past week and a half, bumping their heads on the light shade a few times already...

I'll try to get some pics tonight or tomorrow to show the progress.


Well-Known Member
Wow, sorry everyone who's been following this grow - this round has gotten a lot of neglect and seems to be rewarding me as such... Some spindly girls I got goin on, that's for sure. I hope I can get an oz per plant out of these - none of them are branchy or thick and bushy like the previous rounds but the buds are starting to take off nicely now so we'll see how things turn out! These plants are half-way into week 4 at this point. A few of the PC plants stretched a lot more than the others in the first two weeks of flower so they've been tied down so I could keep the lights lower to further benefit the lower buds on all plants... did the pinch technique on these as well, again with some impressive results. Gave them all their first nute feeding a few days ago and they'll get a nice straight drink tomorrow evening.

The first 2 pics are of the Blueberry plant, the 3rd is the Bubba Kush and the rest are all Pineapple Chunk. Enjoy! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Looking good man! im gonna be flowering some pineapple chunks soon too :D
Cool - feel free to post some pics here if you like! My girls are looking kinda scraggly - I'm trying to make the most of it though. We've had a lot of rain lately so hopefully the rainwater will help bulk them up a bit in the next month or two. =)


Well-Known Member
I love Barneys seeds, but those Pineapple Chunks are very sativa, everyone I have seen looks almost the same, and they say its mostly Indica. Guess we have to see how they bud, how long they take to finish that is. Im not thinking they will do 55days like they say, maybe not even 65. I hope Im wrong though, they look very misleading though, not very indica looking to me. Good luck with the rest of your grow, your plants look good.


Well-Known Member
Oh by the way, you might want to use a bit of veg nutes in your next feeding, those leaves are yellowing a bit too early. After that you should be fine. As long as its not a lock out. One feeding with veg nutes should have enough nitrogen for the plant for the the rest of the grow.


Well-Known Member
I love Barneys seeds, but those Pineapple Chunks are very sativa, everyone I have seen looks almost the same, and they say its mostly Indica. Guess we have to see how they bud, how long they take to finish that is. Im not thinking they will do 55days like they say, maybe not even 65. I hope Im wrong though, they look very misleading though, not very indica looking to me. Good luck with the rest of your grow, your plants look good.
I have to agree - they're definitely Sativa dominant. These girls are still looking pretty good even though they were tied down as they stretched out. I'm going to venture as far as saying these ones could go 70-75 days to finish.

Oh by the way, you might want to use a bit of veg nutes in your next feeding, those leaves are yellowing a bit too early. After that you should be fine. As long as its not a lock out. One feeding with veg nutes should have enough nitrogen for the plant for the the rest of the grow.
I'm not sure about the veg nutes this far in - I'm into week 4 now, so I don't think it's a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Sub'd 4 Sure! Been waiting an age on getting some DP's Blueberry, Ive heard all the bad new's concerning Hermie's in 6th week of flowering so keep a good eye for the nanna's! I hope that now they are back in stock they have stabilised the strain!


Well-Known Member
Sub'd 4 Sure! Been waiting an age on getting some DP's Blueberry, Ive heard all the bad new's concerning Hermie's in 6th week of flowering so keep a good eye for the nanna's! I hope that now they are back in stock they have stabilised the strain!
Hey jambo - the BlueBerry plant is doing quite well considering it's only 1 large stalk. I'll have a pic update posted soon.


Well-Known Member
Cant wait, hope all grow's well from now till finnish. Liking the Kush, Got some King's in fridge that i hope to get space to grow soon! I've got this Pineapple strain thats been around a few growers in my area and i finally got a clone of. It's not chunk, or Express. Way before i was smoking it way before them and think im about the only person still got it. this is around 30 day's-weed 2 119.JPGweed 2 111.JPGweed 2 112.JPG And she finnishes at 9 weeks like--DSC01056.JPGDSC01045.JPGDSC01051.JPG This is something i'll have in my garden for as long as im growing, It starts producing resin at around second week from the switch, and doesnt stop! One of the best smokes i've had in long time!

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
I love Barneys seeds, but those Pineapple Chunks are very sativa, everyone I have seen looks almost the same, and they say its mostly Indica. Guess we have to see how they bud, how long they take to finish that is. Im not thinking they will do 55days like they say, maybe not even 65. I hope Im wrong though, they look very misleading though, not very indica looking to me. Good luck with the rest of your grow, your plants look good.
I agree I have seen one other that looks more indica and so far the ones i have going appear very indica.


Well-Known Member
Wow, sorry everyone who's been following this grow - this round has gotten a lot of neglect and seems to be rewarding me as such... Some spindly girls I got goin on, that's for sure. I hope I can get an oz per plant out of these - none of them are branchy or thick and bushy like the previous rounds but the buds are starting to take off nicely now so we'll see how things turn out! These plants are half-way into week 4 at this point. A few of the PC plants stretched a lot more than the others in the first two weeks of flower so they've been tied down so I could keep the lights lower to further benefit the lower buds on all plants... did the pinch technique on these as well, again with some impressive results. Gave them all their first nute feeding a few days ago and they'll get a nice straight drink tomorrow evening.

How's the BB? Still going ok? Those last Pic's they looked a bit yellow! And the Kush was looking good!
But i agree with "outdoorindica", that Barneys Pineapple looks real Sativa!
Hopefully the end result comes good for you though! And really hope the Blueberry goes to the end ok!
The first 2 pics are of the Blueberry plant, the 3rd is the Bubba Kush and the rest are all Pineapple Chunk. Enjoy! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Is that last one the Pineapple Chunk?
Yep - sorry for not labeling those pics... 1-5 are PC as well as the last one (10). Pics 8-9 are the Dutch Passion Blueberry and 6-7 are the Bubba-Kush. The PC are pretty stringy things generally - I can see them having to go a bit longer than the rest in order to finish properly, but it seems 2 out of 4 of the PC plants are more 'Indica' than the other two (the ones that are bent over and all stringy looking) and they could finish before the other 2. Confused yet? =)


Well-Known Member
The BB and the Kush looks good man! Iwould just leave the Pineapple untill its almost dying on you! That way regardless the 'Bag Appeal' It will still smoke good! Again, Nice Work! Looking forward to the smoke report's on them!


Well-Known Member
Well we flushed these two girls last Friday and I decided to take them down this evening. They look great now that the trimming is done. You'll notice the Bubba Kush looked pretty raggedy towards the end, but once the yellow leaves were trimmed it came out really great! Both plants weighed in at 93 g wet and they really have some dense buds - I don't expect to lose any more than 50% of that weight when they're done drying but we'll see. Enjoy the pics! The PC come down in a week and a half, flushing begins on them this weekend.

Dutch Passion BlueBerry - Pics 1-6


GHS Bubba Kush - Pics 7-16

