Barneys Farm- Night Shade! Has Anyone Smoked Or Grown It??


Well-Known Member
You don't smoke it, eat it or squirt the juice straight from the berry into your eye (no shit). But really, I don't recommend even fucking with it man, it's toxic as fuck and the trips are always hellish introspective nightmares, severe hallucinations, black outs, memory loss, talking to imaginary people, etc, et al.

Read up at the erowid experience vault if you want to hear horror stories: Erowid Belladonna Vault

Edit: Oh shit lol, you're talking about a weed strain, sorry bro I'm blown. No experience with that variety.


Active Member
dude he's talking about the strain night shade from barneys farm that took third in the cannabis cup indica category in 06 or 07


Well-Known Member
lol... that was funny. Alpha you are usually so on point! Surprised me there! Belladonna was a favorite of many Noelithic drug experimenters (i.e. Caveman Trippers), however thats a trip I'm happy to have let my anscestors take for me, Ha!

Sorry, LoneStar, I don't know anything about the particular strain, but right now I am growing Barney's G13 Haze and they are by far the best plants in my garden. They stood up to some overwatering as seedlings that hurt the other varieties I am growing. I think the genetics of these plants are amazing, they are really strong performers, and are the most beautiful plants I have. Currently my avatar is a pic of one from a couple weeks ago. Its about 4 or 5 inches taller now than it was then. They are really growing fast and well. Lots of branches zooming up from underneath a thick canopy of fan leaves. Also, the Colas look tremendous. Sorry I can't tell ya about the particular strain you are truly interested in, but I know the products I have from Barney's are great, so it's probably a safe bet that Night Shade is alright if its from Barney's and won a Cannabis Cup. Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
I know this is a little old, but I was wondering how this plant turned out
I know this is a little older, but for peeps wondering...

(Nigerian Nightmare x Love Potion)
I ordered 5 fem nightshade seeds, 2 germed. They grew strong and quickly in a DWC unit. Both turned out to be hermies, a fact I didn't know till I had a bunch of clones. The hermie tenancies were very mild, a couple sprays with reverse from dutch master and I was able to forget I ever saw male parts. I let the plants veg for 2 months while I took clones, then into bud. They like to branch out and responded well to FIM topping. The side buds were really comparable to the main stalk. They grow nice big fairly dense buds that have a really strong pine smell when you rub them or even just brush against one. The overall smell of the growroom is a vague skunky slightly fecal funk. There is pretty good crystal production but it starts a little later in bloom and really picks up in the final week or so. In the end there is definatly room for better trich coverage. I harvested at 8 weeks although the hairs showed no signs of turning yet. Growing under a 600wt hps + 150wt hps + 100wt CFL the two plants produced 8.6oz of dried bud. Despite seeing pollen sacks early on, we found only two seeds. (thanks dutch master!) The dry product retained the pine scent, with a peppery stinky odor mixed in. The buzz is pretty strong and lasts a couple hours. It's a nice smooth buzz leaning to the couchlock side, but actually not too bad. I def wouldn't have a problem performing everyday tasks on this stuff. A couple friends who are not as heavy smokers as I said they found the buzz to be pleasant but confusing. They had trouble focusing on stuff if they smoked too much.

Well hope that helps anyone interested in this strain. In the end I really loved it cos I love pine scented bud, but i'm guessing it needs to be grown out to 9 or 10 weeks to get that super potent buzz (22%) they brag about.