Barney's farm LSD - yellowing of lower leaf tips


Heya guys, Long time browser - first time poster to this great site :joint:

Getting my first ever grow underway using Barney's farm LSD... and running into some problems, i was hoping you guys could help me out before it becomes to big of one ;)

The yellowing is only affecting the lower set of leaves (another reason for thinking it was a def of some sort) but slowly it seems to be creeping higher :\

My setup is a 600watt MH, sadly using MG "organic choice" soil (i know that was a shitty idea) i am using Botanicare nutes (just using the guides on the back for mixing)

My temp is always in the mid 70s (i run 24hour lights)
the only thing that is a bit low is my humidity which is normally in the 20% range.

They got a bit ofa slow start - but just in the last 10 days since adding nutes they have really taken off.
Watering has been every third day (just checking the top few inches to make sure that is nice and dry before watering again) the very starts of the problems were beginning before adding even the first nutes so i tend to not think its nute burn. Nutes began at around 500ppm when they were 3 weeks old - last watering was 1400ppm. Ph of the water is kept at 6.5, though i have not tested runoff.

Any help at all would be great :weed: thanks a ton guys :weed:




Trying to resolve this as soon as possible, yellowing of lower leaves is slowly getting worse and getting higher on my plant :sad:


Active Member
I am a hydro guy but it seems to me your ppm's are a little high for such young plants..Peace


Active Member
How do you know what your ph is if you have not tested it? Ph is a very important to know and guessing is not going to work well for you... Get a tester.... PEACE


Active Member
Could definitely be nute burn.... ease up on your PPM.s and when it comes to nutes... less is often more....
I have same thing going on with a little one of mine (my only LSD actually). I haven't feed it ever. The seed that came looked looked awful is one thought. But the leaves are in kind of a V shape with the tips yellowing/browning. You get it solved?