Barneys Farm LSD under LED's


Active Member
Coming into this a little late in the game. so I'll bring you all up to speed

29 Barney's Farm LSD Fem
Gen Hydro Aeroflo2 with aeroponic misters in sprayline.
300+ watts of LED
technaflora nutrients

the pictures that im posting are the end of week 2 of Veg. I will try to update at least once a week.



Well-Known Member
Nice to see a fellow LED'er

Beautiful setup

I will be hanging around to see how your grow goes


Active Member
What's you opinion of LED vs HID?

I have no formal opinion at this time. The only thing I can say for sure is that at this point in time it does appear that the LED's are producing tighter inter-nodes than I have experienced in the past with my HID's. Flowering will be the real test! I will post pictures as things progress and you can see for yourself! I decided to give it a shot. I have been using HPS for about two years. so I whipped this room together to give LED a go. figured it better to give it a shot myself than to listen to everyone else and their skepticism. so far so good! They definitely have a more focused light than the HID's as is evident by the center growth being far better than the edges. I could raise the light more but then the beasts in the middle would probably stretch. ......until next time! happy growing.


New Member
Well I haven't researched LED's because there not cost effective for me. I'm assuming that the LED you have is producing many bands of light both blue and red spectrum? This would account for the tighter internodes seeing as how you have only used HPS and not MH before.

How much did it cost?
How many watts is it?...Scratch that...300 watt light on a 4 foot light mover?
How many lumens does it produce?
How is the color spectrum?
Heat is negligible, correct?

My father is now growing 2 plants in his closet and an LED light might be perfect for him.


Well-Known Member
And yes it was a big expense up front but on my 1st grow I got more than 3 oz's from 3 plants

This round will be much better I started using this current light 4 weeks into the grow

I am starting with it this time so I am expecting better results, and I had a few set backs


New Member
Damn $700. Thanks for the link a 180watt is roughly a 600watt equivalent in absorbed light. I just look at the numbers rather than there claims of them producing heavier yields.

So you got an ounce of each plant. You flowered right away then? I'm trying to get 2-3 pounds of each plant with a 2 month veg and 2 month flower. So this isn't for me. However I might tip my pops off to 45 watt LED spotlight or something...


Well-Known Member
Ya there's no way your going to get a P from that light

I am just growing a few oz to avoid paying at the club and it seems to be working for now

Anyways glad to help, have a good night I am going to check on my new clones


Active Member
somewhere there is a review about 300 watts of LED's being equiv. to about a 600 HPS. not the 1000w that most led manufacturers claim. Not 100% sure of anything in that area though. however if your looking for the penetration to get elbows of of individual gonna say HPS is the way to go LED's do not have the penetrating power of HID....well not as of yet. My light was about $1000 but money really wasn't much of an object as i have other rooms running HID to fund it lol. as far as heat, there is some. but not nearly as much as with HID.


Active Member
Just a heads up to anyone who is following this, I switched to 12/12 today. 1/02/2010. I will post more pics as soon as they show something worth posting!


Well-Known Member
Coming into this a little late in the game. so I'll bring you all up to speed

29 Barney's Farm LSD Fem
Gen Hydro Aeroflo2 with aeroponic misters in sprayline.
300+ watts of LED
technaflora nutrients

the pictures that im posting are the end of week 2 of Veg. I will try to update at least once a week.

That is a nice setup! I cant wait to see the buds.. I will be here for the chop.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Today I got rid of the bottom 3-5 inches of growth on all of my plants.......Its looking kind of baron in there lol. I will post some pictures as soon as i can.The light shut off just as i was finishing, so the pics will have to wait until tomorrow! They are starting to stretch. I may have to hit them with the bushmaster in less than a week if they keep growing up like they are. but, only time will tell.


Active Member
They are girls, well I kind of already knew that, but they showed their pistils today. all but 3 plants have em sticking out. and I'm almost positive the other three will be sticking out by this time tomorrow!