Barneys farm G13 Haze and Greenhouse seeds lemon Skunk


Active Member
i guess i have kinda failed, but hey im only a beginner and this is my first grow, i will keep reading and growing and hopefully in a few more tries and i should be able to achieve that 125 gram plant!!! Wish me luck everyone, i am seriously hoping for atleast 30 grams of buds that are top quality. i know 30 grams a plant is real shitty yield but hey like i said im only learnin and even if i get that small amount il be happy smokin it. il see you all next week for anext update. DONT WORRY I WONT DISAPPEAR, I WILL LET YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I ULTIMATELY YIELD FROM THIS ONE PLANT.


Active Member
heya everyone!! if anyoner is actually still readin this thread! lol!!! The colas have finally formed and are not especially large but even still its seems like i have about 40 (dried)grams on the plant 150 or so grams wet i estimate. The budsare absolutely glistening and sparkling and have becom very sticky icky it is producing a faint floral sweet almost fruity aroma, not very strong but certainly present. the pistils are finallt starting to go orange. i have a30x loupe magnifier but i cannot see the colour of the tricomes. still waiting for the 60x-100x microscope to arrive. Three weeks officially to harvest, i think it will be ready on time and will not take longer as expected, maybe 1 week at the most though i doubt it it feels/looks seems like they will be reday in bout 2-3 more weeks. i think the microscope will arrive this week ornext at the latest so hopefully i will be able to check ripeness of trichomes with the microscope method just in time when the plant should befinishing. The cuttings three in a pot are all flowering ( 4weeks in)good and proper im hoping for atleast 10 grams dry from each of them. the lemon skunk seedling 2 week veg 4 week flowering is producing these really light green buds and they seem to be growing into nice big lumps they are already pop corn sized nuggets and she has 5 weeks left offically i only want 20 dried grams from her . And finally the the hydro DWC cutting is looking super very bushy vigorous big leaves growth in comparison to cutting sisters in soil. this Hydro cutting has however produced lots of branches ad they have all grown out into small branches im worried whether th emain top cola will form properly or if the lower branches will drain the energy. IM REALLLY HOPING ON THIS ONE AS IT HAS LOADSA ROOT SPACE LEFT TO GROW. so imhoping the hydro will give me 30-40 grams like the mommy .See you all soon and i will upload some pics this week and you can see whats happend to my baby.


Active Member
Hello everybody !!! My baby has swollen up a little and looks like she will give me about 30 grams dried. Anyway here are a few pics.

pic 1,2 G13 Haze mother 9 weeks in
pic 3, Lemon skunk seedling now into flower 4 weeks a little late as usual with my photoperiod problem
pic 4 G13 haze The Hydro DWC cutting Roots looking beautiful
pic 5,6,7,8,10,11 More G13 Haze mother
pic 9,12 more pics of the G13 Haze Hydro Cutting looking angry man proper kick ass i am really relying on her.



Active Member
first of all your g13 looks great.. just ordered my seeds today.... second is the lines in the pic is because of the leds. shut them off and take pic.... they go away. and last but not least u want all your roots in the dark... u dont want your watter getting light.. will cause u mucho problms.... L8ter and dont forget to pass that shit....


Active Member
Hey people !!! A very late update, that plant only yielded 20 grams after suffering mould problems and drying issues. It did swell more but not much i would have been about 28-30 grams but the mould kiiled off a good 10 grams or so, IT WAS NOT VERY STRONG AND TASTED HORRID A SI DID NOT FLUSH LOL AND DRIED REALLY QUICK IN 3-4 DAYS BECAUSE OF FEARS WITH MOULD, BUT HEY IT WAS VERY GOOD EXPERIENCE


only reading this now,but for readers:
never count your chickens before they hatch. it doesnt help anything.
dont get greedy with the topping. more colas = more food + lots more roots. with g13 its good to get one nice big cola going.
better to get the light close and vent it hard.
after 20 on/4 off, best to go 12/12 lighting. then in your last week, flush it out with water without the nutrients and you can switch to 6/8 lighting to really squeeze the last into your buds. hassling them too much and getting too eager makes them more prone to mite and mould. gotta let the kids grow up on their own, with you leading them. brilliant end result (if harvested and cured properly). i wouldve switched nutrients early on to see if that helped the budding according to the timeframe you expected.
good documentation, lots to be learned, hope you kept going with that strain, peace.