barney's farm "dr grinspoon"


I smoked some of it, and it was the shit, smelled awesome covered in trichs, super strong sativa high that ive never had before

mr ben

Active Member
barneys farm is legit i have to say

its on my short list of good breeders in this fucked up pool of ganja marketing today

dj short, barneys, and tga are my top 3 right now.

i really want to try their pineapple chunk:weed::weed:
You will be lucky if you can even get barneys seeds to germinate,I got 3 plants out of 11 seeds.Load of shite never again.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
no shit i got a 5 pack of Vanilla Kush from barney's .. started 4 of them one didnt germinate one was a runt and my last two came up males from a fem seed pack .. fuck barney's


Well-Known Member
has any 1 here finished barneys farm vanilla kush yet i have 1 outdoors growing great but id like to see a smoke report or get some info on it


Well-Known Member
wow did not see the post above me
my vanilla kush is going good it was a freebie but this is not the firs time i heard bad things about it


Well-Known Member
25% thc is a bold claim indeed...... some of barneys gear is top notch, others are very unstable and you get 10 dif phenos with 10 seeds....


Well-Known Member
i got one free BF Vanilla Kush and it turned into a lovely healthy girl - it is outdoors so no smoke report yet..


Well-Known Member
that is same as me outdoors and not flowering yet but is a beautiful bushy plant i tied it down and it exploded with new growth showed female about a week ago

i got one free BF Vanilla Kush and it turned into a lovely healthy girl - it is outdoors so no smoke report yet..


Iv got 4 grinspoons growing now, my first grow so not the best to start out with. The 100 day flowering seems like a sentance.

Been vegging for 21 days now and are a bit stinky already, im a bit worried about odour and also about how tall the damn things are gonna get. May start flowering soon just so i can get them finished and move on to other strains


Iv got 4 grinspoons growing now, my first grow so not the best to start out with. The 100 day flowering seems like a sentance.

Been vegging for 21 days now and are a bit stinky already, im a bit worried about odour and also about how tall the damn things are gonna get. May start flowering soon just so i can get them finished and move on to other strains
you need to get a grow journal and some pics kickin and link me to it :)


Iv been taking pics throughout so i'll try and do that today. Like i said its my first grow so been winging it a bit. Not expecting great results, recon i need stronger lights next time round. Kind of wish i hadnt started these.

For my next grow iv got some cheese, white widow, big bang, el nino and himalaya gold. Planted 5 of the grinspoons, one didnt grow. 4 out of 5 aint bad but seen some pics of how big 1 grinspoon can get let alone 4 so dont know how its gonna end up. My space is less than a square meter. Was close to doing away with them but couldnt bring myself to do it


Started that journal. Had plenty more pics but didnt wanna go over the top lol.

I'll add to it as i go along



I was in Amsterdam a few weeks ago, and made a trip over to Barney's to try Dr. Grinspoon. I have smoked cannabis for many years, I have had quite a few strains, and I have a very high tolerance. I was not disappointed at all, as Dr. Grinspoon is now in my top five, leaning towards the number one spot. It smelled like heaven in the bag, and even more so in the grinder, great taste, smooth smoke, super head high, and my face and mouth were numb and full of tingles. The high lasted a 2.5 to 3 hours, and was every minute as good towards the end as it was in the beginning. I made sure we went to Barney's to purchase Dr. Grinspoon everyday I was in Amsterdam after that, and one of the coolest things about this strain is, you have about .1 grams of stem in a 3 gram bag of buds. We sampled about 18-20 other strains on the trip, and this one was my favorite. I will be growing this strain for sure, even with the bad reviews I have read on Barney's Farm Seeds, the high is worth taking the chance of wasting money on potentially "bad" seeds. The end result of this slow growing lady is magnificent, and well worth the wait. SMOKE THIS STRAIN IF YOU EVER HAVE THE CHANCE I promise you will say to your self "man that Best Buds was right on".


I was in Amsterdam a few weeks ago, and made a trip over to Barney's to try Dr. Grinspoon. I have smoked cannabis for many years, I have had quite a few strains, and I have a very high tolerance. I was not disappointed at all, as Dr. Grinspoon is now in my top five, leaning towards the number one spot. It smelled like heaven in the bag, and even more so in the grinder, great taste, smooth smoke, super head high, and my face and mouth were numb and full of tingles. The high lasted a 2.5 to 3 hours, and was every minute as good towards the end as it was in the beginning. I made sure we went to Barney's to purchase Dr. Grinspoon everyday I was in Amsterdam after that, and one of the coolest things about this strain is, you have about .1 grams of stem in a 3 gram bag of buds. We sampled about 18-20 other strains on the trip, and this one was my favorite. I will be growing this strain for sure, even with the bad reviews I have read on Barney's Farm Seeds, the high is worth taking the chance of wasting money on potentially "bad" seeds. The end result of this slow growing lady is magnificent, and well worth the wait. SMOKE THIS STRAIN IF YOU EVER HAVE THE CHANCE I promise you will say to your self "man that Best Buds was right on".
seems there are a good few reviews like this of it.... makes me interested enough to still consider growing this one out one day.


Well-Known Member
I got a 5pak fem from Attitude in the spring, germ'd 2, but I had to move mid flowering, and in the chaos of relocating they went down early and a bit under nuted. Early on one of the two was nute sensitive, and before they came down I really was not paying attention to their behaviour. I did have one clone that survived, veg'd for about a month (to about 5-6 feet in a 3 gallon bucket of soiless mix, but I tie everything down and do a lot of training anyway so height is under control), and is now 6-7 weeks into flowering and looking good and healthy using Advanced Nutrients. It smells like butter, and the bracts (calyxs) are tiny with tons of white pistils coming from each one and very tiny trichomes all over the forming buds. This plant is very immature, and looks odd next to other finished looking plants that went in at the same time. I don't think it will end up looking loke the pictures just due to the structure of the buds. The parent had a bud structure similar to Arjan's Ultrahaze #1 at the same stage of growth, but it didn't finish properly so I don't know what this will end up looking like.
I yielded a bit more than I expected from the poor batch, so I don't think yield is as terrible as some may say. The buzz was very happy, energetic, and social. It was potent for sure, but not the psychedelic over the edge of reality sativa I was looking for, but it was intriguing enough to anticipate totally different results from the next batch.

My other Barney's experience was their lsd strain (that has been turning out amazing), and Vanilla Kush, which is still in veg, but the seeds germ'd in under 24 hours using a wet paper towel on a seed mat, and have been growing vigorously. In general I've always had the best luck with fresh seeds, and brand new strains are usually going to be a fresh new breeder tested batch.


Well-Known Member
My partner and I are growing 3 right now in a mountain grow in Hawaii, I'll get pics asap.