Barneys Farm Cookies Kush HELP!!!!!!!


Hey guys im totally new in the community. I really need someones input who knows a thing or two. I am not a total Newb. Lets just say its been about 10 years. Anyway i have decided to get back into it. Not a whole hydro setup with my homemade ebb and flow system. Just simple soil for the first run. I have a tent setup with a 400w HPS suntube which has an addict fan with tubing connected on one side and runs out the other side of tent with tubing. Thats just so you get an idea of what my conditions are. its 70 degrees constant in their. Now I got some seeds from Barneys Farm (Cookies Kush) ( If your here to tell me how shitty BF is please,,, thats an opinion guys i really just need help so if you want just forget me saying BF and think of it as bagseed then. just give me an answer please) As far as germinating goes I always used the paper towel method. Now I hear all these youngsters talking about putting it in water and not using paper towel method... my local hydro store ( while there was a grodan rep there) said best way to germinate is seed straight into rockwool cube. knuckle deep. low pH water (5.5-6.0) soak cubes. Poke hole with sterilized paper clip. Put seeds in. And cover with dome.

Now I did all that on the 28th and I have NEVER had it take this long for seeds to pop. Yesterday i took the paperclip (sterilized) and looked into the wholes (SUPER GENTLY). They are germinated and have a taproot for sure... I put them back put the dome over and told myself they should pop by today. Still nothing.... My idea is just putting them right into FF Light warrior and take them out of the cubes?

Whats going on please someone help me??????


Well-Known Member
never done them in rockwool. i use rapid rooters. the only thing i see that i do differently is more like fingernail deep not knuckle. i keep mine in the dark until they pop out of the seed shell and have 2 small leaves.

any pics of what you are doing?


Well-Known Member
I always use paper towels for germinating for two reasons. One, I always want to know if the bean has popped before I waste my time/floor space/soil/pots/energy on it at all. B. it has always worked for me. Keep it simple and do what works. It does sound like the seeds are too deep.

That being said, I have grown a ton of Barney's stuff and have always had great results except for one vanilla kush that was supposed to be a short plant that would have been over 6' without LST and super-cropping.


I always use paper towels for germinating for two reasons. One, I always want to know if the bean has popped before I waste my time/floor space/soil/pots/energy on it at all. B. it has always worked for me. Keep it simple and do what works. It does sound like the seeds are too deep.

That being said, I have grown a ton of Barney's stuff and have always had great results except for one vanilla kush that was supposed to be a short plant that would have been over 6' without LST and super-cropping.
I appreciate the input... but there is no way that they were to deep.. i even felt they might have been not deep enough.

I should have just gone with the damn paper towel method like i have the past 12 years.... :wall:

So anyway now the seeds are popped and have a taproot but I have a feeling they aren't wanting to root out in the rockwool??

Should i keep them in the rockwool or transplant seeds into a lightwarrior mix???

Im growing with soil BTW.


Well-Known Member
You are committed to the cubes for now. Try using peet pucks in the future if you want to try something new. 10 years ago rockwool was the choice of many growers, the pucks are a way better option IMO. I still go from paper towels into Solo cups and will never change. Why fuck with something that gives me 100% success? I use the peet pucks when I clone tho.

Growing is a constant learning experience. You learned something NOT to do in the future. Sorry bro. Go back to what has worked for you and when you are comfortable again with what you are doing, then branch out and try something new (if you want to). Good luck and I hope they pop their heads out soon and start giving you love. Try getting the temp closer to 77-80 in there. It is pretty chilly at 70 for a sprout. What is your RH?


Well-Known Member
Nappy fuckin things. I am not a fan of rockwool. It is hard to say if they will work out or not. At this point, all you can do is attend to them as if they were growing fine and wait to see if they do. Other than that, your next run will be much more successful, of that I have no doubt.

Also, if they have not popped yet, they don't need light, just heat.


So I should just wait and give them time... Which I really dont have...... Or should I bite the bullet and put them outside and if they go good, ill let them grow outdoor. And if not w.e. I have 2 more CK seeds and 1 LA woman from DNA. All feminized. Yes that would mean throwing away 35 dollars... But thats not the world. its just the fact of getting more...

Bottom line.

Is this going to make my plants weaker/stunted/take longer to grow?

Im planning on scrogging the fuck out of these so i really need a good structure from the start...

Than again I need all of the others to pop if i were to do that my tent will fit 3 10 gallon buckets so thats what im going for...

Thoughts? Opinions?

Any input would help


Well-Known Member
It is too soon to tell. Plants are like a high maintenance girlfriend. If you try to get too much, too fast from them, they will make you pay for it. Be patient. If you don't want to wait, throw your cubes away and go back to what has worked in the past.


Well-Known Member
if they don't come to the surface it really doesn't matter where you put them. all you can do is wait. mine are usually on their first set of leaves within 3 to 4 days.

like the professor said, they don't need light if they aren't above ground. bump your heat up to 80 to 85. the domes should keep the RH higher.


if they don't come to the surface it really doesn't matter where you put them. all you can do is wait. mine are usually on their first set of leaves within 3 to 4 days.

like the professor said, they don't need light if they aren't above ground. bump your heat up to 80 to 85. the domes should keep the RH higher.
Yea i know and they popped atleast 2 days ago, I germinated directly in the rockwool... Im not used to it taking even remotely this long... that was a red light for me right away.

Alright So Turn the blower and the light off? And turn down the ac? no fans? Keep in mind its a tent, with it zipped up there is not much co2..


Well-Known Member
I usually put my beans in a lazy susan next to my stove in the kitchen until they pop. Just to give you an idea. They don't go near a tent until they wag their tails at me.

Plants need co2, they are not plants yet. ;)


It is too soon to tell. Plants are like a high maintenance girlfriend. If you try to get too much, too fast from them, they will make you pay for it. Be patient. If you don't want to wait, throw your cubes away and go back to what has worked in the past.
haha yea you are right.

Well fuck.. I put the other seeds (one la woman is still unopened, and the BF i taped shut and put those both in a mason jar in the bottom of my fridge. Should i take them out now if i plan on germinating them soon?


Well-Known Member
If you want. I store beans in my nightstand and have for several years. I take the silica packs out the boxes of new sneakes and put a couple of those in with the beans just to keep the moisture out. I have never had one NOT pop for me and I have been collecting/grower over 30 strains.


If you want. I store beans in my nightstand and have for several years. I take the silica packs out the boxes of new sneakes and put a couple of those in with the beans just to keep the moisture out. I have never had one NOT pop for me and I have been collecting/grower over 30 strains.
Wow. I never was a fan of the whole putting things out on the WEB but all the advice ive been getting is horse shit. And this is from grodan reps, hydro store owners, other growers here... Im kinda glad i made this account..

Thanks for the help.

when these pop leaves, OR the next batch does i will deff start a journal and keep it up to date. hopefully i can get some input there youve been very helpful.


I am here to help. I am just glad that I was able to give you some confidence and knowledge. Now, get growing!
I thank you.

I guess im going to start germing the others then. So i said i was keeping them in a mason jar in the bottom of my fridge, do i need to take them out some time before germinating?

And just to get this clear 100%

Is this correct?
the method i used to use.

Take 2 sheets paper towels put on plate/wet a little
drop on seeds
repeat step one.
put another plate over the top/upside down
put in a dark area

Or is it better to substitute the plates for a ziplock bag to create more moisture?


Well-Known Member
I would take them out. They react to heat and moisture, but not light. Not yet.

When I germ, I use tupperware. Put one flat sheet (of the select a size) on the bottom and then I make a coffin with two more sheets. This just allows me easy access if one pops. Put them in a warm, dark place (like a cupboard in the kitchen) and wait for them to wag their tails for you. Keep the paper towels moist, but not soaked. Tap water is great for popping seeds without having to do anything to it (it contains a myriad of useful dissolved solids beneficial for the seeds). If they dry out a bit, is is no biggie either. Remember, they still need oxygen. As far as a cover, I have never used one and don't see the point. If the seed is covered with a moist paper towel, why does it need a baggie/plate/lid of any kind? It already has one if you asked me.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I just started my BF cookies and kush grow along side some strawberry blue and another they are actually on day 14 from sprout and really looking nice so far all uniform in size and look fat leaves definitely indica Dom..all my beans popped in about 36 hours and then shot out of my rockwool a day later I have 2 in my DWC 5 gallon super bubbler and the rest in my own soil mix of black gold and more goodies so if you have any questions I will be here checking out your grow so do ask if I can help I will if I don't know I will tell you so.also you want to check out my grow its down below in my signature so far you and I are the only ones here running this strain I think...peace


Hey man I just started my BF cookies and kush grow along side some strawberry blue and another they are actually on day 14 from sprout and really looking nice so far all uniform in size and look fat leaves definitely indica Dom..all my beans popped in about 36 hours and then shot out of my rockwool a day later I have 2 in my DWC 5 gallon super bubbler and the rest in my own soil mix of black gold and more goodies so if you have any questions I will be here checking out your grow so do ask if I can help I will if I don't know I will tell you so.also you want to check out my grow its down below in my signature so far you and I are the only ones here running this strain I think...peace
Yea most deff. If these fuckers make it.. If not i have 2 more.. You germed using what method?