Barneys farm blue cheese

Yeah they got huge leaves! I'm loving this plant... I just got my second order of seeds so I'm debating on wether I should store them and clone the shit outta the bc?? I've been dying to grow white widow.
here and subbed. cheesey stank is my favorite :) and i just popped critical #47 so i'm interested to see how that goes for you. party on.
Yeah they got huge leaves! I'm loving this plant... I just got my second order of seeds so I'm debating on wether I should store them and clone the shit outta the bc?? I've been dying to grow white widow.

pop one seed if you got more than that if not save it and clone. WW is fun BC is better
I'm just gonna wait on starting anymore seeds so I can give the blue cheese my full attention haha the purple haze looks to have some light stress or something I'll post a pic shortly
here and subbed. cheesey stank is my favorite :) and i just popped critical #47 so i'm interested to see how that goes for you. party on.

Critical #47 is going strong. I'm so stoked for this one, I was worried cuz its supposed to be incredibly stanky lol but I got a charcoal filter just need to hook it up
Here is my purple haze #1, some of the leaves are twisting and it just looks kinda weird. am I just being paranoid or is there something wrong?


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too much dol lime in the soil plant should settle out over time its just a little overload of cal mag. looks a little over watered too, let soil dry out real good before watering again. less water, more waterings, light fluffy slightly damp soil.
Critical #47 is going strong. I'm so stoked for this one, I was worried cuz its supposed to be incredibly stanky lol but I got a charcoal filter just need to hook it up

AK is quite stanky to begin with :) my filter is past due for changing. gonna make a new one here soon.
too much dol lime in the soil plant should settle out over time its just a little overload of cal mag. looks a little over watered too, let soil dry out real good before watering again. less water, more waterings, light fluffy slightly damp soil.

Ok I'll keep an eye on her... Since switching to the roots organic soil it seems to dry out way faster than fox farm.
I'm not exactly sure how to set up my carbon filter, I've never used one but I bought one used with a huge vortex style fan. Any suggestions on the best way to set this up


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It is huge haha right now I have a 4x8x6 tent with 1x 600w hps will be adding a second 600w hps in the next few weeks, I run the lights 24/0 so I have a standard house fan in there just blowing air around with the tent open a lil bit all the time. I dont have to worry about temps yet cuz its pretty cold max temps of 77° f
thats a dumb ass big filter. how big is that fan 4"? haha mismatched like a motherfucker, well you should get mad exhaust going through that setup, just mount it as high as you can and exhaust out.
The fan is 8' it fits right on top of there. I have a y exhaust attachment. Would that work by putting it on the filter and have it come from the tent into the y and out into the ceiling, I would attach it to the whirly bird on the roof, I'm just worried about the smell
The fan is a 6' I wanna pull air from the tent and go into the filter then out thru the roof.


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Just had a thought... The purple haze being a strong sativa will grow pretty tall, so should I top it? I dont wanna lst. But if I top it in theory it should keep it shorter? I just wans keep it as close to the blue cheese as possible. As of right now all the plants are looking the same.
veg for a month flower at 3ft in the biggest pots you got, sounds like you got the space and light. bluecheese is looking good!
So are you saying don't flower till their 3ft tall? If I wait till then to flower what would you guess my yield would be?
So are you saying don't flower till their 3ft tall? If I wait till then to flower what would you guess my yield would be?

well 3ft including the pot.

if you where to flower them then, under 1000w with no other plants blocking any of the light, you could pull more than 1000grams off 1 plant., but if you have to share the light each plant would produce less. yeild is hard to guess,if this is your 3r get somewhere between .5-.75 gpw