• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Barney's Farm Blue Cheese Almost Ready

Brick Top

New Member
hmm what i meant by being pushed into the bulb is whatever it is that creates thc,

Your words were; "cloudy trichomes mean thc is stil being pushed into the bulb."

I responded to what you said. If you do not express yourself clearly then you can expect to have your foibles pointed out and proven wrong based on what you yourself say.
Also think of it this way. Based on what you wrote anyone here who read your message and does not/did not know where THC was produced if for some reason they chose to accept what you wrote as being accurate you would have them taught them something inaccurate.
Clarity and details. That is what is needed when explaining something.
Then again since many people do believe that THC is produced in glands and then rise up the trichome stalk into the resin-head possibly you are one of them and now have only claimed to have meant something totally different than you actually said.

man congrats you cna google copy/paste or grab your nearest growers book and type it up quick and make it look all nice with some pics, i dont have those books or nor do i care to look up the resources of that information, some of that info in there is actually only theory not even true, now again not saying all of it, make sure you read before you misconstrew me with another 500 word post saying how wrong i am.

Thank you, those were kind words. I have an amazing number of different sites for growing information in favorites folders and some I have saved to Word. It makes it much quicker and easier to respond that way. Especially since in some cases the exact same questions can be and have been asked three or more times in new threads in a single day and more times in preexisting threads. Then having factual information readily available comes in handy. What makes it even better is when something that is obviously factual is posted as opposed to poorly worded statements of opinions it helps to make it clear to most which bit of information is valid and which is not. So I go with it.

im not saying i know all and whatever i say is right, BUT what i do know is that plant that he showed me in the picture there is not ready, im not going to tell you because the trichomes arent ready or anything like that dude, i never did say that, im just saying looking at that plant in that picture on page 1, it isnt filled in, barley any receded hairs etc, it is not ready, i didnt say anything about trichomes are such

And all I did was to point out that the only truly proven to be accurate way to determine when any plant is ready to be harvested is by going by the color of the trichomes.
So yes I did bring up trichome colors but it was you who brought up THC being forced up into the …. what was it you called them … "bulbs," yep that’s it; "bulbs."
It’s all clarity and details .. and of course accuracy tossed into the mix helps a whole lot too. At least it does for me.

until you brought out your botany books,

As I have said, your message, if not just totally inaccurate, was at the least totally misleading to anyone who did not know where THC is produced. So my response was to offer irrefutable proof so there would be no confusion.
That seems to have upset you.

congrats though you can have this internet fight, im not here to do that, im just trying to help this guy and tell him my opinion on when its ready,
If you truly want to help him … then teach him to be able to figure things like this out on his own and then be able to pass on the information to someone else who does not know it instead of giving an opinion based on a picture and then information that was either totally inaccurate or totally misleading.

every person is different, every person has different effects and gets different feelings from all the canaboids in marijuana, to say its a scientfically proven fact that thc makes me feel high is absurd, how do you know what i consider high? how does a scientist? you dont know what i think high is, my description of high may be different from your description of high. when i feel high, i like to feel high in my body, in my eyes, thats my type of high, what is yours? it may be the same it may not be, some people say ''high'' is feeling it in the head,

Of course each person may react somewhat different to the exact same substance than someone else will. That has never been mentioned or attempted to be disputed.
But there is scientific fact backing up what various main and or key cannabinoids perform.

In your system or in my system they may perform those functions to a slightly different degree but they cannot and will not do them totally different.

THC does what THC does. It may do it to a more major or more minor degree in you or me based on our genetic differences and ages and possibly any number of different things but it will still do what it does as well as it can in whoever’s system it is in.
The exact same thing goes for CBD and CBN and people do confuse the effects of one for being one or more other things, like confusing a high percentage of CBN for being higher percentages of THC and or CBD when it is higher percentages of THC and CBD (if they want couch-lock) and lower percentages of CBN.
You asked; "how does a scientist? you dont know what i think high is, my description of high may be different from your description of high."
You implied that possibly your, or someone's, definition of high is the result of high levels of CBN and that a scientist nor anyone else could logically dispute that since their perception and yours, or whoever the other person would be, would not be equals.

Lacking an accepted yardstick to measure by how can anyone say what is really what? That is basically what you said, correct?

Well that would be accurate of you to have said that.
But it is still, in a way, misleading.

It implies that taking the lower percentage of THC and CBD route and instead taking the higher percentage CBN route for a couch-lock is as wise as doing the opposite.

Did you not read the proven information I posted or did you simply refuse to accept it?

Regardless of wanting to call it personal preference what you said is totally illogical for anyone who wants the very best herb they can grow.
You are advocating trading off the two most important substances when it comes to good pot that has a couch-lock effect for one other substance that is known to not be as desirable.

Where can any small semblance of logic be found in that?

well thats not what i consider high

Maybe then you are just one of the poor unfortunates of the world who have not been lucky enough to have experienced a real true high or a real true couch-lock body stone so you lack an accurate accepted yardstick to go by.

again congrats on your googling botany degree you got me

You are very welcome, it was a distinct pleasure on my part.

I deeply thank you for so graciously handing me this opportunity to present so many facts and to clear up what may have been a rather considerable amount of confusion.


Well-Known Member
im sorry bro, ''stalks'' im not much for science, you seem to like to assume yourslef brick, i never said i was upset, i am not or never was upset, im sorry a 40 yr old man such as yourself with the stubborness of a mule cannot upset me, sorry i had to grow up with my dad, some old dude on the internet wouldnt upset me, dont you worry about that, then you said im a poor unfortuanate who has never experienced what being high really is, wow thats awesome so you must be this super dude with these super duper strains available to only a select few of your posse and the rest of us are just poor unfortuates, your an idiot just for saying that and im definitley done having this conversation with you, dont bother replying becuase i wont read it, i dont even know why im wasting my strokes 10 days later. blah, unfortunate son, i aint no fortunate one.:peace::-| must be my fucking yardstick, but i cannot get through the ego sorry, my stick must not be long enough


Well-Known Member

I'm deeply grateful for all facts and opinions that have been posted here. As lovers of weed we all share a common attraction for that place we go when tokin' up. I wish I was there now but being at work...., well, can't go there till tonight. Any how, I have not cut my plants yet! They are still producing white pistils so I'm gonna wait a bit longer till no more new pistils are emerging. Having started this grow June 11, what's another week or 2??



Well-Known Member
you did the right thing hemphopper, you will be more pleased with another week or two wait, cut off a tiny bud now and save it, then compare, you will see what i mean


Well-Known Member
That may be, but my gals are still standing and the autumn colors are approaching so I'm waiting till they look done. But damn, it's tempting to cut them. Still making white pistils - not many but some. I've given up on the scope because it's hard to judge what I'm seeing though it's fun to gaze. Really, one of the coolest things about growing is staring at the plants! At least for me that's true and looking at a section of leaf through a scope can't compare to the full visual with both eyes open. I'm gonna wait for the amber frosting, swollen calyx's and receeding pistils - till it looks like dope for the pipe. That seems to be the best advice I've seen here and they are bulking up nicely too. I'm sure a lot of people harvest early but I've got a bit of weed to get me through so waiting is best for me right now.


Well-Known Member
yes man, that is the best joy of growing, being with your ladies and loving them, my plants are my babys, when im growing im pregnant, and im serious. i like your idea, wait till it looks dope for the pipe you will be happier, i do not go by stupid fucking scopes, all glands finish at different times so theres really no way to get a 'all amber' or all cloudy or even a percentage because alot of the times the glands are done at different times on different parts of the plant, thats why i do not go by microscopes, the plant will tell you when its ready, you dont need botany books, google, or a microscope to tell you that, my trichomes are all different colors when i harvest, i harvest when the PLANT is ready not when the trichs are, that way you get the FULL effect of your marjiuana, i mean you do want to get high, that is what we do this for. anyways yes hemp nice job wait till calxys full swell and almost look like little spades, once that happens not only will your yield be bigger, your buds will look overall better and actually done, not half the shit i see out there today, anyways hemp, good luck friendi wish u the best +rep for doing the RIGHT thing

oh yea plantz, as for brick top or anybody ''owning'' me, thats awesome i could care less, this kid waited, and now he will get the full affect of this harvest, thats what im here for, to help newer people MAXIMIZE their harvests, not argue with 50 year old dudes who sit on the comp all day putting everyone elses thoughts and idea down, so, it feels good to be owned, as long as i helped 1 person :peace: GOOD LUCK HEMPHOPPER +REP


Well-Known Member
Thanks Man,

There's 6 plants, getting ripe but just a ways more to go. It's funny they all came from the same seed stock but 2 stretched like crazy during flowering and they are the the 2 that are still with many white pistils. They show signs of yielding the biggest colas once done. Here's some pics. Sorry, I dont know how to do the landscape/portrait thing so some (all) of the pics are sideways lol



Active Member
again, i dont go by charts, i dont go by trichomes, i go by the look of that plant, not only can it gain more yield but the potency of that plant has not reached its maximum, i can tell by looking at the low quality pics, why would you cut a plant down thats still growing and blooming, harvesting with milky trichomes is a opinion as well as mine is, just cause you have some charts to back it up doesnt make it any more fact. i dont know, when i smoke weed i like to get high :peace:

try reading this hemp hopper https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/28072-harvest-time-tutorial.html
how tall did those blue cheese get?


Well-Known Member
i am not sure friend i did not grow them, ask hemp hopper, and btw hopper, they are looking really good now dude, i would say like another week, after that its all up to you ya know, but expect to be extremly stoned and craving pizza and wings, enjoy the blue cheese!:joint: send me some


Active Member
again, i dont go by charts, i dont go by trichomes, i go by the look of that plant, not only can it gain more yield but the potency of that plant has not reached its maximum, i can tell by looking at the low quality pics, why would you cut a plant down thats still growing and blooming, harvesting with milky trichomes is a opinion as well as mine is, just cause you have some charts to back it up doesnt make it any more fact. i dont know, when i smoke weed i like to get high :peace:

try reading this hemp hopper https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/28072-harvest-time-tutorial.html
thats what i think to man, but explained it a way i never could


Well-Known Member
The tallest cheese girls got maybe 4 foot. The shortest are around 3 foot. I veged em for about 30 days and they stretched when 12/12 started. I grew em in a cab I made that's 2' X 4' X 6' based on a box a friend made back in the 70's when we used to grow under fluorescents. I used 2 four tube 4 foot T5 HO fixtures and added 8 42W CFL's during flowering. That's enough watts for me - roughly 700. Fox Farm soil and nutes. Don't think I'd use those nutes again or if I did, I'd go light. Would like to mix my own soil next time but need to do more research on that. I'd like to get an HPS lamp for the future but I have to figure out the heat issue first. They've been 55 days in flower since all plants showed flowers or 70 days in 12/12. Attitude seeds, Barney's Farm Blue Cheese feminized. I started with 10 (insanity for that small box). I cut 4 along the way because crowding got outa control. The 4 sacrificed plants , though cut early, produced good smoke but the buds on the 6 remaining now will be really good. Attitude really is a good seed source. I like the order tracking feature.


The tallest cheese girls got maybe 4 foot. The shortest are around 3 foot. I veged em for about 30 days and they stretched when 12/12 started. I grew em in a cab I made that's 2' X 4' X 6' based on a box a friend made back in the 70's when we used to grow under fluorescents. I used 2 four tube 4 foot T5 HO fixtures and added 8 42W CFL's during flowering. That's enough watts for me - roughly 700. Fox Farm soil and nutes. Don't think I'd use those nutes again or if I did, I'd go light. Would like to mix my own soil next time but need to do more research on that. I'd like to get an HPS lamp for the future but I have to figure out the heat issue first. They've been 55 days in flower since all plants showed flowers or 70 days in 12/12. Attitude seeds, Barney's Farm Blue Cheese feminized. I started with 10 (insanity for that small box). I cut 4 along the way because crowding got outa control. The 4 sacrificed plants , though cut early, produced good smoke but the buds on the 6 remaining now will be really good. Attitude really is a good seed source. I like the order tracking feature.

How tall and old were they when you went 12/12 Have you got any new pics

osiris 51d

Well-Known Member
This is my barney bleu cheese dawrf. lits my first grow. she has been on a fulsh for 2 weeks and am going to give her a mollas feed 2night. any idea how far she is? seemed a good thread that is why i posted hear. ta. oz

