Okay. Haven't seen it that bad in person before but I've seen pleny of journals and that appears to be a case of heavy underwatering.
Either you haven't given them enough/as much water as they need or those plants are locking out water some how (can happen if roots are screwed up....tough for you to tell in soil).
I don't believe that the confusing light cycle would do this to them. They're way more likely to herm or even re-veg with the light issue you described.
My best guess is to try and water the hell outta them....but don't overdo it. Kind of a tight rope, I know.
As for the light poisoning issue, you have 2 options. Continue with the flower and keep a close eye for male parts. If they arise, just chop those balls off (seperate hermed plants from all female ones as needed...you don't need hermed seeds). Hermed plants can still be harvested but you have to remain dilegent in taking out those pollen sacs. It takes some serious work but it's doable.
Option 2 is to re-veg them. Go straight to 24/0 or 20/4 or even 18/6. Again, they could still herm from this as well but by succesfully revegging them you're essentially pressing the "reset" button on the flowering plant. Do not attempt to reveg if they are much past 2 weeks in flower. The nice part about your plant not really flowering is that it'll be easier for them to re-veg.
Also, try posting in the plant problems area with those pics. Like I've said, I've seen that exact same issue before enough times where I would imagine someone has succesfully dealt with it.
Hope all goes well bro. Don't stress too bad. Just do whatever research you can in the meantime. These are remarkably resiliant plants and you always have the option of cloning the ones that look nice and healthy.