Bare bones bagseed<3


Active Member
Ive been A heavey smoker my whole life but never really been able to grow. THis first one is more an experiment than anything else. Ive been lurking here awhile and love all the knowledgable users and would like to think everyone of u for sharing your skills\experences.

SO I have various strains of bag seed sprouting in mg potting soil they're all a week old except one i had been growing in a cup by the window for about a month.. ..i have them in a cooler in my closest right now under various fl. lighting but am planing on moving them out doors after veg.

My Lighting is one 12 in. fl tube one 18in. fl. tube and two cfls. i know im gonna need more light so im plannin on buyin some spliters to day and nutes when i go to lowes but here are some pics of my babys three days ago/ and and comments \help \questions \shit talking will be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
There's tons of organic soils out there. MG even has a couple I think.

Nice looking plants btw. Gotta love that "hey, theres a seed in my bud. lets sprout it. OH SHIT what do I do now! haha"

Good luck- I'll be watching!


Active Member
Yea one thing led to another next thing u know u got felony manufactureing on your hands!!LOL. but im haven so much fun raises these.... im hooked for life. hopefully this is the beggining of a beautiful relationship as i can see this hobby is only gonna get better!:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Lmao, wait till you put them in flowering...Then they GROW

Check out my journal. My girl finally stopped growing and put her energy into budding


Well-Known Member
Hey man plants are looking good. Just a heads up though, may be worth backing off on the miracle grow soil when you transplant to a bigger pot. It has caused me hell, they grew like theres no tomorrow at first but in the last three days or so they began to get serious nute burn. I transplanted today and it was a nightmare sorting the roots out etc. Wouldnt want anyone else to go through the same thing.

Keep up the good work!


Active Member
WOrd man thats whats up, ive got some spare organic soil in the shed. ill prolly just use that then. thanks for the advice. When would u reccomend steping up the size on thoose pots?


Well-Known Member
Erm well i used rockwool and this is my first grow so i dont know a hell of a lot just things like what i mentioned because i learnt the hard way. But with mine all i had to do was lift the wool and see if roots had emerged or not. If you can see through the base of the cups then wait until you see some roots? If not i'd transplant in like 3 days or so but that would just be me. I dont think it'l make a huge amount of difference when you transplant at this stage so when ever you feel like you want to. Perhaps when theyre as high as the pot is tall?