

Well-Known Member
I change my screenname from time to time. What can I say; I'm a paranoid guy.

But, this was found when I tried to log into my old name, closet.cult:

You have been banned for the following reason: FUCK YOU SKUNK
Date ban will be lifted: NEVER

Well, I'm not sure what this means...
I am not Skunk.:confused:
I have never been called Skunk.:-|
I don't smell.:evil:

Can mod please explain why my alter ego has been banned?


Well-Known Member
are you sure you dont smell, cause a lot of times people that smell bad cant really smell themselves


Well-Known Member
Thats immature and bogus. Whatever mod did that probably shouldnt be a mod


Well-Known Member
I change my screenname from time to time. What can I say; I'm a paranoid guy.

But, this was found when I tried to log into my old name, closet.cult:

You have been banned for the following reason: FUCK YOU SKUNK
Date ban will be lifted: NEVER

Well, I'm not sure what this means...
I am not Skunk.:confused:
I have never been called Skunk.:-|
I don't smell.:evil:

Can mod please explain why my alter ego has been banned?
Im not a mod here so im just guessing that the IP address is the same from skunk.


Well-Known Member
i know some people got banned for supposedly having links to skunk skool. who really knows though. i also like your alter ego cuz he grows kill buds.


Well-Known Member
i think if someone is to be banned there should
be a court case, jury, etc,
(think wot fun it would be)

the person must understand y they r banned otherwise it makes people more
annoying, not more pleasant

they then just log in with a new name and get worse
like with all crime
(real crime)


New Member
I thought the mods were gods. :|

I don't get that either. I've had friends here get that same message for no reason at all.

who mods the mods.....LMAO!

the MOD SQUAD! ;)


Well-Known Member
i think if someone is to be banned there should
be a court case, jury, etc,
(think wot fun it would be)

the person must understand y they r banned otherwise it makes people more
annoying, not more pleasant

they then just log in with a new name and get worse
like with all crime
(real crime)

Agreed. This is a weed forum and smokers are generally pretty cool. That "FUCK YOU SKUNK" wasn't very cool. That mod needs to smoke and J and write a private message to someone he wishes to reprimand.

But I did nothing to deserve a ban.:evil:


New Member
There seems to be a low tolerance for noobs! or people with low post counts, But established members get away with so much more. Double standard?


Well-Known Member
i think your not allowed to use more than one name connected to the same ip, i been banned for that by skunkyhimself but for some reason my perminent ban was lifted the next morning:blsmoke:

so I figured let bygon be bygons

i wasnt even using 2 names on purpose
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Well-Known Member
i was banned from after they got new owners.

its purely a gadget site. no psychology or ethics or anything to get people

no warning,
no real reason,

i think it was becos my ornithopter spins instead of flaps
and i said that spirit is more important than money
as the wright bros did their thing with the proceeds from
a bicycle shop.

the lawyers all want me to give them all i own to
'sign it into law or nobody will touch it'

i don't even bother with non-ganja forums much anymore.

here is my invention that got me banned
The Air Wheel

i mean the one guy was running down the road flapping feathered wings to impress his gf, but thats not off the topic nnooooooo

come up with an original idea and BANNED!!!!

fuck riu should have had me assasinated 10 times over by now
for all my cheek, by comparisson



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
LMAO! You know I LOVE ya gurl....

sorry I couldn't resist.....:lol::clap:
I think its kind of cute ;)

ok ok I'll leave.....I'm a born trouble maker:hump:
Hey stay, this is toke n talk in the cannabis cafe, no moderation, lol. :mrgreen::peace:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
LMAO! You know I LOVE ya gurl....

sorry I couldn't resist.....:lol::clap:
I think its kind of cute ;)

ok ok I'll leave.....I'm a born trouble maker:hump:
Hey stay, this is toke n talk in the cannabis cafe, no moderation unless reported, lol. :mrgreen::peace: