
Active Member
Title is clear i placed an 80$ order in ETH for 2x packs of green point seeds Hibernate. In may mind you and it was supposedly shipped 10 days ago but still no show and no response to 4 separate emails thruout this week asking for order status and tracking number but no response so now i will post this review on at least 20 sites. He had no problem responding until there were no more excuses to give me so he just ghosted me what a shame "Paul" is supposedly the guys name....
What a shame. Go directly through Green Point Seeds website. They accept multiple payments, have great customer service, and if you sign up for the news letter you'll see they have sales consistently.
I would but the strain is discontinued Hibernate had he been legit they’d have probably been the last 2 packs of seeds available online without teasing someone somehow but I get sketched I want the Hibernate and I would die for a pack Jelly Pie or Gunslinger from GPS. I also can’t find any American companies that carry cheese strains and even harder to find period is Star Fighter another strain I’m searching for....
I would but the strain is discontinued Hibernate had he been legit they’d have probably been the last 2 packs of seeds available online without teasing someone somehow but I get sketched I want the Hibernate and I would die for a pack Jelly Pie or Gunslinger from GPS. I also can’t find any American companies that carry cheese strains and even harder to find period is Star Fighter another strain I’m searching for....
Are you interested in American breeders who produce cheese crosses and starfighter crosses?
I would but the strain is discontinued Hibernate had he been legit they’d have probably been the last 2 packs of seeds available online without teasing someone somehow but I get sketched I want the Hibernate and I would die for a pack Jelly Pie or Gunslinger from GPS. I also can’t find any American companies that carry cheese strains and even harder to find period is Star Fighter another strain I’m searching for....
I would contact them through their site and get their input. They may know someone legit. They have the best customer service in the game I think.
The last 3 emails i sent requesting tracking he replied today say "i sent that out ages ago let me get that tracking number for you" instead of just providing it for me since i asked for it 3 times and i do post thru the sites contact portal he just responds with redundancy. Like why would he say hes going to give me the tracking number after bing asked 3 times instead pf just sending the tracking number. But Barriston Whitebeard I would be open to crosses but i want cheese or starfighter in pure form to make my own crosses it's a pain to keep that cheese trait locked in thruout the different generations.
And i only order from US based companies if i can i wish there was a drop ship service for European seeds lol there's a few things only attitude has but i get bad luck at customs....
Oh i just realized you meant contact GPS i did but the strains i am looking for were popular and the places Gu said to look didn't have em
I would but the strain is discontinued Hibernate had he been legit they’d have probably been the last 2 packs of seeds available online without teasing someone somehow but I get sketched I want the Hibernate and I would die for a pack Jelly Pie or Gunslinger from GPS. I also can’t find any American companies that carry cheese strains and even harder to find period is Star Fighter another strain I’m searching for....
CSI Humboldt has UK cheese s1.
Thanks my friend but i think because i am going to be breeding seeds i need regular seeds. I know people say that herms aren't more prevalent in fem seeds but after popping thousands in my life time i only ever got herms from fem seeds or bag seeds. So i stick to regular seeds when breeding.
Thanks my friend but i think because i am going to be breeding seeds i need regular seeds. I know people say that herms aren't more prevalent in fem seeds but after popping thousands in my life time i only ever got herms from fem seeds or bag seeds. So i stick to regular seeds when breeding.
Ah gotcha!
The one time I used Bank of Seeds, I didn't have any issues. It definitely seems running a seed bank is not the owner's primary gig. Granted, my experience was pre-covid and before USPS went to shit so they definitely could have gone downhill since then.

While I don't have a line on Hibernate F1s, I believe @Amos Otis F2'd it and passed them out as freebies with his Brisco's Bargain Beans. You could check with him to see if he still has any of the F2s. I know that wouldn't make you whole, but might help ease the pain.
I think you won't find many usa companies with cheese in reg form i think due to the reasons you already mentioned cheese traits breed recessive so its hard to make into a seedline in the first place i could point you towards uk breeders with cheese regs ugorg or kgbeans be your best bet tbh mate
The one time I used Bank of Seeds, I didn't have any issues. It definitely seems running a seed bank is not the owner's primary gig. Granted, my experience was pre-covid and before USPS went to shit so they definitely could have gone downhill since then.

While I don't have a line on Hibernate F1s, I believe @Amos Otis F2'd it and passed them out as freebies with his Brisco's Bargain Beans. You could check with him to see if he still has any of the F2s. I know that wouldn't make you whole, but might help ease the pain.
Great suggestion i just miss that insane nug density
Update heres his response to me saying for the 3rd or 4th time to either refund me or provide tracking so he sends me this again missing the important part a tracking number and second i bought the last 2 packs available so he wouldnt even have another 2 packs to "reship"

Heres hus response

"Fuck off man
Will either get tracking or re send the package two shitty packs of hibernate you think we need to rip you off over that?

Get real"
Update heres his response to me saying for the 3rd or 4th time to either refund me or provide tracking so he sends me this again missing the important part a tracking number and second i bought the last 2 packs available so he wouldnt even have another 2 packs to "reship"

Heres hus response

"Fuck off man
Will either get tracking or re send the package two shitty packs of hibernate you think we need to rip you off over that?

Get real"
Scam or not sounds like a egocentric attitude to customer service to me tbh i mainly use discountcannabisseeds. kwikseeds(trsc) realgorillaseeds by panik i do go elsewhere for exclusives and what not but i mainly use these guys ive never had a problem or bad customer service fuck last time i got from kwikseeds my order was like two days late i didnt even email em or anything and they sent me the same order again i had ordered for free a day later with freebies after my order arrived slightly late as a sorry so i was doubled up you cant fault service like that
Update heres his response to me saying for the 3rd or 4th time to either refund me or provide tracking so he sends me this again missing the important part a tracking number and second i bought the last 2 packs available so he wouldnt even have another 2 packs to "reship"

Heres hus response

"Fuck off man
Will either get tracking or re send the package two shitty packs of hibernate you think we need to rip you off over that?

Get real"
This guy must have gone to the GLO school of customer service where you either get silence or antagonism as a response.
Update heres his response to me saying for the 3rd or 4th time to either refund me or provide tracking so he sends me this again missing the important part a tracking number and second i bought the last 2 packs available so he wouldnt even have another 2 packs to "reship"

Heres hus response

"Fuck off man
Will either get tracking or re send the package two shitty packs of hibernate you think we need to rip you off over that?

Get real"


he apologized and supplied me with a tracking number for the Hibernate seeds and i should have them by friday. I dont know how to edit the thread title i dont want to be unfair as he did fix the situation as far as i know. I dont want to hurt his business over a misunderstanding and i hope after i receive my seeds I can refer people to his shop cuz he carries some impressive stuff. I wouldn't want someone to hurt Gummy Gardens over a mistake I'm able or willing to resolve so i understand its a hard one man job... Trust me i know first hand

he apologized and supplied me with a tracking number for the Hibernate seeds and i should have them by friday. I dont know how to edit the thread title i dont want to be unfair as he did fix the situation as far as i know. I dont want to hurt his business over a misunderstanding and i hope after i receive my seeds I can refer people to his shop cuz he carries some impressive stuff. I wouldn't want someone to hurt Gummy Gardens over a mistake I'm able or willing to resolve so i understand its a hard one man job... Trust me i know first hand
This right here should help, even if the thread title can't be changed. That said, you can try sending a message to an admin like @sunni to see if she can change the title for you.

Glad to hear this seems to be resolved for you. :weed: