bank froze credit card


Well-Known Member
i think they froze the card b/c i tried at more than one seed shop. it raised a flag with the bank. at least i know if someone steals my card they will have a hard time purchasing anything.. i could call the number on the card but i prefer to wait and go to thebank.... does anyone know if
1. these companies send billing reciept with the order
2. what does it show up as on your bank statement.(for those who have used credit card)

and no im not scared just curious.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
The Attitude include only the seeds in their stealth shipping, the receipt came online, my option to print out.
It shows up on bank statement as: Attitude Gifts + Pounds Sterling Exchange Rate.
Good luck & good grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
OK. the reason my card got frozen is b/c there has been a lot of fraudulant activity in great britan. my bank will not let me purchase anything in GB b/c they dont want my credit card number to be in any system in GB...... the bank said i can order anything from anywhere but BB.... does anyone know about any seed banks not in Great Britan?

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Rather unusual for a bank to freeze you out of an ENTIRE country! When I order from the Attitude, I use my Chase Debit card, and absolutely, NO problems. Perhaps you might consider another bank. There are a number of reputable seed banks in Canada, however, I have never had personal dealings with our brothers to the north, lol. Also, there are banks in Holland, and again, no experience!
I have dealt with the Attitude for 3 years now, and never a bad experience. Good luck & good grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
I've also used Attitude and have used Visa Debit cards. Only once did I have the transaction declined and it was late on a weekend night. I used another card I had and it went through. I've ordered more than once and am happy w/ each transaction.

Be forewarned, though, you'll get an additional charge for an overseas transaction. that surprised me, but it was only a few dollars.


Well-Known Member
well i got an email from stock yards bank about 3 weeks ago stating if u travel to Great Britan you will not be allowed to use your debit card b/c of the enormous increase in fraudulent activity with credit cards lately...i never plan on going to GB so i diddnt think i would be affected...wrong. IMO i would never switch banks.... if someone did steal my card # they would not be able to use it. that gives me peace of mind. my bank has great security and cares about its customers... as soon as she unlocked my card i placed an order with nirvana and BAM! everything is good.... i went with the Ak-48... seemed pretty popular....