Bananas Increase Females


Well-Known Member
it's not ethanol, that's just grain alcohol, its ethelyne gas, and ripening fruit produces it, if you pick unripened tomatoes and put them in a bag with a banana in the dark, the gas makes them ripen faster, but i have no idea if this will produce more females. I did read something a while ago that claimed you could tell at germination what they were going to be. If the root came out of the top or bottom, it would be female, and if it came out of the side, it would be male. Some experimenters verified the results, too.

that would be nice if the root sprout method worked, not sayin it doesnt but we'll c. i have one seed that just sprouted out of the bottom. i thought that was what they were supposed to do no matter what, but w/e.

good luck with your experiments, i will be tenting tho, just to see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
So what kind of female/male ratio did any of you guys come up with after using the banana method?


Well-Known Member
It would have to be around 90% for me to believe this... Isn't the fact that they're feminized seeds out there pretty much negate the whole thing? I think seeds are what they are, and you can't change it. I think you can possibly stress them into hermi, but full blown change them?


Well-Known Member
I see noone else posted results yet but since I started the thread I'll give the first results too. I had 13 seedlings I started in a rolling cooler with lights over the top inside a closet. I kept 1-3 overripe bananas near them at all times until the point I took them outdoors when they were 6" - 8" tall. 2 drowned from the awful terrential rains we had here in WI. As for the other 11 that weathered the storms - 7 male & 4 female. Even if the two drowned babies made it and were ladies I still would have been more on the male side.

The more I've read and studied I've come to the conclusion that less than ideal growing conditions can definitley stress a female into becoming herme, (tests by professionals have proved this) but otherwise males are males, and females are females, and that is decided from the point of fertilization.

My theory on hermes is that mj plants must have some type of built in mechanism that enables them to reproduce by themselves when optimum growing conditions are not present. Its kind of an evolutionary theory, but thats why I think herme seeds are more likely to make more herme plants. The plants changes its genes so it continue to reproduce in anything other than optimum growing conditions (aka.-stress caused by its care taker.) Im no scientist but I think I might be onto something here.


New Member
undecided sex? pushes them to the female side?


Yah, that doesn't sound right to me.

Wouldn't you have to know how many males you would have had before you could determine if any were changed? I don't think the seeds are independent in sex choice. I do think sex can change once the plant is growing, because if I have 50 females going, one or two at some point will try and produce pollen. Maybe I'm over thinking it.

Ethylene gas. And yes bananas are emit higher levels than apples. About double actually. Ehtylene gas is a natural growth hormone. I did not know this. It was completely an accident. Papayas are high as well. Soak the rotting banana in insecticidal organic soap (no bugs or flys) put on a piece of foil and place next to growing plants 1 nana per 6 plants.


Well-Known Member
I've been adding worms in my raised garden bed and to feed them I usually toss in cut up banana peels and watermelon ends. This year I planted seven or eight seeds. Two were female, three were male, and the rest died before they could be sexed. Because I berried them 3 inches deep, I didn't have a problem with ants or any other insects.

I have never heard of it making plants go female. Regardless, it didn't seem to help me any, but then again I was only looking to feed my worms.
when the seed embryos are formed at fertilization , I'm pretty sure that all they're DNA including their sex chromosomes are set at that moment.... But, if you wanted to play devils advocate I would recommend getting about 100 seeds from the same plant and then separate them and test them with or w/ out bananas and keeping all the other shit the same of course


i think you may mean ethylene oxide. it's given off by the decomposition of fruit, and according to Jorge Cervantes' Grow Bible, ethylene gas is a plant hormone and influences plants to change sex. This means that not only are you influencing females but you're also influencing males also. For this reason, I'm not sure if it's even worth it. I'd like to hear how it goes though.


the sex of a cannabis seedling is influenced by environmental factors as soon as it has three pairs of true leaves (not including the seed leaves).


Active Member
if you were really interested in this type of experiment, the correct method would be exposing a female plant to ethylene gas during fertilization, and keeping it exposed for a couple weeks while the seeds are being formed. You would also have to do 100+ to even approach a proper sample size. Tossing a couple banana peels on some dirt around a few seedlings is no way to go about testing an hypothesis.

Lol stoners


Well-Known Member
if you were really interested in this type of experiment, the correct method would be exposing a female plant to ethylene gas during fertilization, and keeping it exposed for a couple weeks while the seeds are being formed. You would also have to do 100+ to even approach a proper sample size. Tossing a couple banana peels on some dirt around a few seedlings is no way to go about testing an hypothesis.

Lol stoners
bananas are the worst for quickly getting fruit flies and gnats and crap, soaking in soap is going to stop the bugs but keep the gas you think going? no offense but why not just take your clones outside and take the guesswork and experiments out of it altogether. especially for outdoor grow. I am curious how long the bugs stay away from the rotting bananas, i will keep checking to see progress here but sounds like a mess


Active Member
i've recently started using banannas. i put a bananna in my water and let it soak along with a few other items i found laying around,(secret lol). when i transplant from my veg pots to my flower pots im going to cut up a few peels and put them a couple inches from the bottom and then the plant above it. i will repost with results.