Banana tea???k???


Well-Known Member
I have been wondering if boiling some semi rotten bananas and then straing them would give the plants a good dose of potassium,i want to add potassium in the last four weeks or so rather then phosphorous i want to make the growth larger rather then new growth sites,i found a fert called everest thats 0-0-84 and will increase yield 500 percent,but i would like organic ,any input??? Fuck it i will try right now let u know a few days


Well-Known Member
500%? Um....that has to be bullshit, because every grower on Earth would be using it if it were true.


Well-Known Member
I took horticulture in college and they say potassium is for flowering im boiling two rotten bananas right now i have two picks of the skunkkush im gonna hit the cam died after last pic will post tomorrow for before then a after,its not bullshit imo p is good to create new bud sites but k will fatten up wwhat you got ,you know how weeks 6-9 you get new growth down below thats the p ,who wants those little useless buds ,i want my colas stupid fat,im gonna try some shit and see


Well-Known Member
the sugars from bananas contain hormones and banana extract is known to be beneficial for plant growth and may increase oil production but something tells me they dont make the extract by boiling rotten bananas lol .... good luck tho