Ban on all marijuana proposed for Montana ballot

This Steve Zabawa is an evil man that should be tarred and feathered. It's painful to watch what is going on in Montana the past couple years. I'd like to think activist could take the power back in this state..
I don't think it will happen. Montana legalization advocates are putting forth a recreational bill in the big election year of 2016. That's going to be a HUGE turning point in getting the legalization dominoes falling all over the US. Montana won't be the only state that year with a recreational bill. I'm not exactly sure now how many states will for certain have recreational ballots up for November 2016, but Alaska,Hawaii,Oregon, California, Arizona, Nevada, Maine , Rhode Island, Delaware,Missouri , Massachusetts,Maryland,as well as Montana have recreational bills in the making. 2016 will be a SUPER PRIME year for getting more states to follow Colorado's lead. My prediction is that at least 5 more states will pull thru at the end of 2016. I wouldn't sweat this asshat in Montana. There's just no way at this point in time a MMJ state will go back to outright banning all marijuana possession and use to make it all illegal again.

Voters will be out in full force 2016 as presidential election years always bring out the young voters in mass numbers. I still think the Feds will sit back and refuse to reschedule on the demands and payoffs of big pharma and big oil. This Zabawa said >

“If it’s an illegal drug by the federal government, it should be illegal in Montana,” he said, adding, “The federal government trumps the state, so why do we want to put our citizens in jeopardy.”

I wonder how he feels about Montana's Firearms Freedom Act which runs counter to Federal gun regulations with their declaration of any firearm made in Montana after Oct.1, 2009 and remain in the state are not subject to Federal firearm regulations. Since he's a Federal ass kissing POS, I'd love to know how he feels about the Montana Firearms Freedom Act. This is what separates Republicans from Libertarians like me, most will fight tooth and toenail for the 2nd amendment, but when it comes to the 4th amendment, they will violate the living hell out of it believing in the right of govt enforcers to tear out the interior of a car/truck looking for drugs as well as crash home doors off the frame and leave a person's home looking like a construction demolition crew went thru it and then pack prisons full for those found with drugs.

He will not get what he wants. Montana has had MMJ legislation since 2004 and with the current nationwide support for recreational legalization and with CO and WA wedging that door open in 2012, he is way way too late to try and get this bill passed. 2016 is going to be the year that after a few more states pass recreational legalization, then other states will start passing it even before the next presidential election of 2020. It's a downhill ride for recreational after 2016. Watch and see.
And all in the same breath supports care packages for needle users. Of course the reason being these so-called care packages prevent the spread of Aids?
God help us if a person stepped on a roach while walking down a public sidewalk.
don't even worry about that guys. the state is making super huge money off cannabis legal . so this guy trying to stop it . good luck . there are more people that want it then don't . it will never go through .
That's nothing they won't win the vote. What I'm concerned about is GW Pharmaceuticals the feds ever rescheduled cannabis they have all the patents USA patents on everything medical about cannabis but fuck em I was never legal now nobody will be if its rescheduled.