Baltimore reacts to Trump


Who's protecting General Motors, Boeing and Exxon's interests in China.

You don't build islands in the so pacific selling rice.

A trump tower right next to Moscow Disneyland may be just ticket to put the people of Baltimore back to work.:roll:
Trump said he would “fix it fast” when asked about Baltimore

Have him and the other white male republican who governs that state solved all these problems you are complaining about?
They are trying to, that's what this thread is about. Attempts to do so get called out as knee-jerk "racist!"
Maryland overall is a pretty decent state. The specific area of Baltimore is a third world country, and a Democrat stronghold.

Maryland has had democrat governor for 86% of the time since 1969.

Your statement is incoherent as saying "The president of Baltimore is Trump, who is a white republican. Therefore white republican responsible for Baltimore failed state."
Read, pig. The worst off states economically? All Republican led including NM who just got rid of their GOPig.
And are going to get worse thanks to Trump cutting aid to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
That made a lot of sense, cut the aid to the countries that need it the most, further fucking up the migration problem.
And now Guatemala is going to be the way station for all the migrants seeking to go to the US?
Good luck with that, there's going to be riots in the streets of Guatemala City when all the migrants from surrounding countries trying to get to the US overwhelm the system
All Trump does in every single situation that I have observed is taking a problem and making it far worse.

Paris Climate Accord
Iran Nuclear Accord
The entire ME
N. Korea

and that's just tip of the iceberg of shit that he has created internationally and domestically.
Also I'm sick of hearing, well, the economy is doing great, because actually it isn't when compared to other examples of recovery from a recession.
Our cost of living due to tariffs is increasing, the National debt is doubling, and there still is a vast disparity in wealth distribution, so it's the same old, same shit that the richer are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
Anyway, so fucking what if the economy is doing good, is that an excuse to support this disgrace of a human being?
We will see next year if the $ is really all that counts in America today, or we if have some morals and a soul left and kick Trump to the curb.
He's making Russia great again by fucking up America's prestige.
How would a war over oil in Iraq see the spoils go to China instead of Baltimore?

4000 US Servicemen dead.

Let them have at it. For every Democrat found with his hand in the cookie jar they will find ten Republicans.

Which is why there is no investigation.
He made up an imaginary investigation rather than try to list something good conald has actually done

Conald knows he can’t run on accomplishments either because he has none, hence why he’s running on white grievance and racial resentment