Ballsed Up


Well-Known Member
So I was rushing, a bit high and I began my germination with tap water. I've only just realised now, about 9 hours later. Just checked on them, nothing so far, gave them a quick spray of 'old' water. They're WW seeds, I forget which bank but they're about 1.5 years old. I'm planning on putting them with my outdoor crop (a bit late, but whatever, I just found them in a game box).

Reckon they're screwed? I've only ever germinated with 'old' water. I use the paper towel method.



Active Member
I have germinated some of my seeds in a little shot cup of water and put it in a dark place, within 24 hours the seeds was at the bottom of the glass and had rooted, i then transferd them to a pot of soil and they grew just fine.


Well-Known Member
Nah, you see the problem is, usually I used 'old' water that's been left out for 24+ hours. So the chlorine evaporates (along with all the other nasties in tap water). I didn't, I'm worried they've been killed by the chlorine.

You guys are saying you've used fresh tap water?


Well-Known Member
and assuming that they were dark and dry in ur game case, theyd last a long time!

nine hours is nothing for them to germinate tho! start getting worried after 4 days!


Well-Known Member
For myself, yes - fresh tap water. After my seed was planted in dirt I only used "old" water, so I know where you're coming from. I guess it never occurred to me that fresh tap water would kill a seed.


Well-Known Member
ive used water thats been stored in a bottle for a week or two now. trust me, dont worry. all this crap about purified water and what not, do you think seeds outside got clean water?


Well-Known Member
third post, i cant keep up! im also not reading them rite! i cant omagine the chlorine would be strong enough to hurt the plant.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
third post, i cant keep up! im also not reading them rite! i cant omagine the chlorine would be strong enough to hurt the plant.
People have been watering all types of plants with tap water for God knows how long. I don't think tap water will kill them...Now if your messing with fish and a expensive aquarium, then you will have problems but pot is a weed and not picky like exotic fish.
I bounce back and forth with my tap and RO system water as tap has macro nutes that plants need and RO water does not have.