balls sexing


Active Member

I keep the pollen I've collected in a plastic 35mm film container in the freezer. I have some that's about a year old that I'm going to dust on a few lower buds on this crop in another couple of weeks just to see if it's still viable. I know it was still good 6 months.

I'm currently on day 12 since switching to 12/12 and just went thru this sexing thing again so it's all pretty fresh in my mind. I did 42 days of veg (from seed)under 20/4 before switching to 12/12. The first two weeks of veg I had the plants close under some standard shop flourescent lights before I put them under the more intense main lighting.
what?? pollen?? i just want to see if these two planys are girls or boys

Your on day 12? of 12/12 u have sex showin? what it look like..

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
na i have the pics zoom'd in i u look t the plant its not big at all .... the sed set of pics look at them are they girls are still boys?

yea, i grew from seed stated like mid nov, 10 days ago i started 12/12 plant itself is like 7- 8 weeks old

They don't start out as boys and then turn to girls. It's an either / or situation.

A hermie (the ones every one's worried about getting) is a plant that starts out as a female and then latter on in flowering produces a few male flowers on the same plant that if not watched for will release pollen that ends up fertilizing all the female flowers on that and surronding plants.

I don't have any experience with feminized seeds so I don't know if you're a risk for that or not. But I'd recommend that every several days thru out flowering you look them over good to make sure no male flowers develope. In my experience (from growing random bag seed) they tend to show up in the mid to lower portions of the plant.


Active Member
wow, I am just tryin to find out if 1 of them is a female. if they both males im trashing them.. and moving on..

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
wow, I am just tryin to find out if 1 of them is a female. if they both males im trashing them.. and moving on..

Hey junior, chill out. Nobody here owes you the benefit of their experience.

To begin with you need to put a little more effort into making your posts readable and take the time to think about what's been said before banging out a reply to it.


Active Member
Hey junior, chill out. Nobody here owes you the benefit of their experience.

To begin with you need to put a little more effort into making your posts readable and take the time to think about what's been said before banging out a reply to it.

junior,?? chill out. i am clam.... man i ask about sexing u startin talkin about i said "wow" . Nobody here owes you the benefit of their experience....... did i say anyone owes me anything?

Btw i like the info u gave me about pollen. if i ever get pollen i will freeze it. but im new to this and as i get better all the info i get from people in these fourms is very helpful


Active Member
What you're being told is.....give it a few more days.......they look pretty similar at that stage........ Most plants I've ever worked with show sex in 10-14 days......I guess Sativas could take longer.....but if it's longer than 3 weeks, I'd suspect a light leak. have a week or two(maybe more) between first sign and pollen just wait a little longer to know for sure..... the simplest answer, imo, is that a group of balls without hairs(pistil) is a definite male..........too hard to tell absolutely from one ball, but others will form quickly...... You will be able to tell easily if you wait one week..........

The pic with the tiny white hair is 90% likely female.....but there's always the chance it goes the other way....especially if you interupt the light cycle during the dark period........
As far as dude talking about was intended for the guy with the male plant......your question has been answered "We're not sure".....but you want to keep asking until you hear what you want again..... WAIT!!!! Or go ahead and kill them because someone says they're the guy who says no way they show sex in 10 days........
If you want to know before you start....use clones.....otherwise, smoke a bowl, relax and be patient.....


Active Member
im just tryin to sex them b/c i dont have enough light running for all of them to fully flower thats why im tryin to find them out so i can get my lady under her full light not sharing with anything else

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
What you're being told is.....give it a few more days.......they look pretty similar at that stage........ Most plants I've ever worked with show sex in 10-14 days......I guess Sativas could take longer.....but if it's longer than 3 weeks, I'd suspect a light leak. have a week or two(maybe more) between first sign and pollen just wait a little longer to know for sure..... the simplest answer, imo, is that a group of balls without hairs(pistil) is a definite male..........too hard to tell absolutely from one ball, but others will form quickly...... You will be able to tell easily if you wait one week..........

The pic with the tiny white hair is 90% likely female.....but there's always the chance it goes the other way....especially if you interupt the light cycle during the dark period........
As far as dude talking about was intended for the guy with the male plant......your question has been answered "We're not sure".....but you want to keep asking until you hear what you want again..... WAIT!!!! Or go ahead and kill them because someone says they're the guy who says no way they show sex in 10 days........
If you want to know before you start....use clones.....otherwise, smoke a bowl, relax and be patient.....

Other people's peeps. What can you do?

By the time I could see a cluster of "pods" in any one location with out seeing at least one "white hair" I'd have to say it was male.

The easiest thing for me to spot (and be sure of) is the female. Maybe that's why I tend to think the female's show first. In reality they probably both develope at the same rate that's more dependent on the plant's over all vigor rather than whether it's male or female.

Another small clue I've found is the location of where the pod forms. If it's right down there next to that little single bladed spur leaf (sorry don't know the technical term for it) they tend to be male. If it's more centered up in the crotch where the leaf and side branch come off the stem it tends to be female. Usually I can see the white hair before I can see the "pod" it's coming out of.

I can still remember how unsure I was(and how much I obsessed over it) when I tried to sex my first crop. It's just one of those areas in life where some experience definetly helps.