Ballasts: Digital vs non.


Well-Known Member
Considering a small 250 watt hps. What are the benefits of electronic/digital ballasts? (vs magnetic)

Did my own is "generally" quieter/less heat generated. Uses less power and weighs a lot less.

Digital wins.


Personally I would go with analog. I have 22 1k watt digital ballasts, half lumatek with the switch and the other half are the new nextgen. I have had over 10 go out so far and have only had them for about 6 months. when i first started over 10 years ago, i used analog and never ever had one go out. but others may have had other experiences.


Well-Known Member
tbh if 10 brand new ballasts go poof within 6 months i would demand new ones :P

think digitals use less electricity aswell and they claim too extend bulb life somewhat.

they also claim higher lumen output from bulb.. not sure how they do that cinsidering bulbs are built for only so many lumens..

on my first grow now. 2 digital ballasts and no experience with the old analogs. my 2 digitals produce very little heat and not a sound can be heard from them.


yah, they have warranty, i got new ones, but its just a hassle. also i keep blowing bulbs. i am using all hortilux. ballast have there own independent fuse box. i am going to try all digital bulbs next


New Member
Trying to find the difference that makes the price worth it between digital and older(but still manufactured) magnetic ballasts is splitting hairs. A worth while grow set-up and a wonderful final product will mask the fact that your ballast was a little warm and kind of buzzed.

EDIT : You get what you pay for.


Active Member
Only reason I went Analog vs Digital is I was cheap :P running 4 1000w ballasts right now. Someone told me fire danger is higher with the analogs but I haven't done any research into that.