Ballast buzzing and won't ignite the bulb


Well-Known Member
To anwser your edited post:

I think most people realize for little watt bulbs like that there are electronic ballasts for them. Try 250 or 400w
I guess you didn't until now...Too bad you can't edit posts you made 2 hours ago,eh?

. CMH can only run on magnetic ballasts. Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium lamps run on electric ballasts.

Bye :)


Well-Known Member
please oder one so you can open it and show us the guts i guarantee, that is not a digital ballast once again you are proven wrong. CMH can not run on digital ballast(well they could but that would require bulb redesign)


Well-Known Member
Yes..some people are dense...

Here on page 3-4 you have the description and guts of this ballast.Still sure that it's magnetic?


Well-Known Member
yep thats a magnetic attached to a pcb. thats what the block at the top left is, copper coil. all that other shit is just for better operation.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if your trolling or you really meant what you wrote... Take some time to research cmh's and you will soon find out there are digital ballasts for cmh's because you clearly don't know much.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if your trolling or you really meant what you wrote... Take some time to research cmh's and you will soon find out there are digital ballasts for cmh's because you clearly don't know much.
Please, oh please give us a link to some real CMH digital ballasts. No, I'm not taking about nail salon light bulbs like the bullshit you're growing with. 400w+

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You're being a twat shim. He is not talking about 400w+ lights, he is talking about the lights he uses. Why are you trying to make this about something irrelevant to prove your point? You are the one wanting proof of a 400w+ digital cmh ballast, and i don't know why, this thread has absolutely nothing to do with 400w+ lights. The second line of this thread, he clearly states 70w, he is using 70w, maybe he has a reason for using a low power light. Grow up and get over yoruself. This thread is utterly pathetic. Conogratulations.


Well-Known Member
You're being a twat shim. He is not talking about 400w+ lights, he is talking about the lights he uses. Why are you trying to make this about something irrelevant to prove your point? You are the one wanting proof of a 400w+ digital cmh ballast, and i don't know why, this thread has absolutely nothing to do with 400w+ lights.
I know, I agreed with him in some post that the 70w ballast is electrical. News to me to be honest. I read through that entire pdf actually.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I know, I agreed with him in some post that the 70w ballast is electrical. News to me to be honest. I read through that entire pdf actually.
So then why are you demanding proof of a 400w+ ballast then? You're the one who brought that up, not him, you are asking him to prove something that has nothing to do with his questions or situation. He is talking about a 70w, he showed us a 70w, so where has this demand for 400w come from., it certainly wasn't him, don't think he ever mentioned anything above 150w. You suddenly just started being abusive towards him for absolutely no reason.


Well-Known Member
your right thats a solid state, although i am perplexed a little by it. i though it was designed on the same principle as a cathode disconnect ballast.

Jack London

New Member
HID lamps, especially metal halide lamp, the cold is very easy to start, triggers long as 2.5KV.But immediately open, the lights go out the bulb internal thermal state, very difficult, unless the pulse up to 20Kv pulse.
The sound hum is the vibration of the magnetic field caused by the current shell ballast coil sound, the squeak is a high-voltage trigger pulse sound. The high-voltage pulse constantly bulb electrode electronic sputtering lamp is a fatal injury, affecting the real service life. Thus, it is recommended that the lamp to cool for a few minutes, and then start.
It was available with a hot start magnetic ballasts or electronic ballasts that can be very dangerous, trigger up to 20KV, general household electrical insulation to meet this requirement, it is best not used.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for backing me up guys and thank youJackLondon for an explanation.

Don't understand why it's so hard to accept that you were wrong or that there is still some things you don't know. you know that there are digital ballasts (like the ones in the link) for cmh's and I will pm you mr2shim when 400w+ ballasts come out as you really seem interested in them.


Well-Known Member
yes if they come out with a low frequencey digital cmh ballast for 400w let me know too that is a noteworth improvement on lighting.

reason i didnt believe is because i was unaware of the technology, but then again much like shim i never concerned my self with any tech below a 400w, so disbelief was just an impulse reaction. sorry to jump the gun, i can be wrong and i like/prefer to be proved wrong. good debate had to do a bit of side searching though to really come to that conclusion. i like details not just pics and things to be honest that pdf was subpar at best as far as real details go.

i found better ones if you want i can link them they where pretty good reads.


Well-Known Member
True...not many people have micro grows with lower wattage bulbs so it's no problem.

Please pm me the links or paste them here if anyone else wants to read them.



Well-Known Member
CMH is probably the best overall light you can use to grow cannabis other than the sun. Of course we would love to have a 400w+ CMH that runs on an digital ballast.