Balcony - 5-6 hrs Direct Sunlight So Far

kevin murphy

New Member
sikkkkkkkkkkkkkk buuudddhhhaaaa .....fine nugget...
I finally found out which seeds these were: The Purps.

Mmmhhh.. googled some pictures and looks damn delicious. Cant wait! :P

No input yet on whether or not those two little 17w lights actually do something?


Active Member
update: its the end of may now. the purps (big pots) are pretty much a month old now and growing a lot faster than the red horse seeds. they have 2 weeks ahead and very slowly picking up. still havent transplanted them. maybe in a week or so. will see. particularly like how bushy the untopped purps is gonna turn out. maybe some LST once she gets a bit bigger :)

more words from the pictures below. peace!



Well-Known Member
Looking good my friend. Growing them outside, the whole way through was a good decision. Artificial light, especially cfl's will never compare to sunlight. Also the 5-6 hrs of direct light isn't a bad amount. A few quick tips from my personal experience.. #1 is to plant your germinated seeds into the container you wish for them to finish in. I recommend this only because it saves you a ton of time, because your plants won't have to re-root themselves over and over, therefore allowing the plant more time for growth and delevopment. (This is why your pants have been growing slowly, they're building their root systems) I guess my second tip is more of a suggestion, which is to use bonnie plant veggie food in the green jug, available at most any home improvment/garden store. (U.S. anyways) Its cheap and works well. Good luck and happy growing. I can't wait to see how it works out for you.

P.s. In picture #2 the the lanky plant in the larger pot is showing male characteristics. Keep a watchful eye on that one.


Active Member
Looking good my friend. Growing them outside, the whole way through was a good decision. Artificial light, especially cfl's will never compare to sunlight. Also the 5-6 hrs of direct light isn't a bad amount. A few quick tips from my personal experience.. #1 is to plant your germinated seeds into the container you wish for them to finish in. I recommend this only because it saves you a ton of time, because your plants won't have to re-root themselves over and over, therefore allowing the plant more time for growth and delevopment. (This is why your pants have been growing slowly, they're building their root systems) I guess my second tip is more of a suggestion, which is to use bonnie plant veggie food in the green jug, available at most any home improvment/garden store. (U.S. anyways) Its cheap and works well. Good luck and happy growing. I can't wait to see how it works out for you.

P.s. In picture #2 the the lanky plant in the larger pot is showing male characteristics. Keep a watchful eye on that one.
hey, thanks for the feedback. i see what you mean with the pots. last year i repotted them once when they were already a bit bigger. decided with the purps that im gonna stun them only in their early veg. where as the red horse seeds have not been stunned so far but, like you mentioned, they have been in a bigger pot from the start. im kind of hoping it will pay off for their root system, making it strong and perhaps, at a later stage ill put them in bigger ones as well. im not sure you can tell the dimensions of the smaller pots from the pictures. i dont know them either, hehe. the big ones in comparison are 9l. i have been contemplating of just leaving them in there and see how they will manage. last year they got repotted in the 9l pots as well and they grew really high. kind of hoping to avoid it this time but thats where the newly found appreciation for topping and lst come into play ;)

i am giving them bioveg organic fert. have been for about a week or so. i think concerning food and nutrients that should be fine. also i dont wanna spend more money. hehe but thanks for the suggestion. ill keep an eye out in the future.

and about the male characteristics: you sure you can tell from such a small size? i havent seen anything up close but maybe your eye is just better trained. ;) i think a reason you might think so is because its been topped already?

ill post some more pics as well as close ups at the beginning of the next week. and thanks for the concern. peace yo! +rep


Well-Known Member
I forgot you mentioned it being topped, so you may be correct about my mis-judgement of it. I was basing my opinion from my experience in sorting males out. The characteristics i noticed was that its stalky looking, especially in comparison to the one next to it. Rapid lanky growth is a male trait, versus the short, tight, leafy female traits of the one to it's left. Just my opinion friend, I dont intend for you to destroy it just yet. Its funny cause it reminds me of my two i started with, and I also topped my plant that ended up male.


Active Member
I forgot you mentioned it being topped, so you may be correct about my mis-judgement of it. I was basing my opinion from my experience in sorting males out. The characteristics i noticed was that its stalky looking, especially in comparison to the one next to it. Rapid lanky growth is a male trait, versus the short, tight, leafy female traits of the one to it's left. Just my opinion friend, I dont intend for you to destroy it just yet. Its funny cause it reminds me of my two i started with, and I also topped my plant that ended up male.
no worries, man. i dont see anything wrong with giving out advice. thats what im here for. :)

i really hope that it wont turn out a male. only got 6 plants going. none fem. hence i just started a big devil auto fem. i do want to have some sort of backup, even if its an auto. oh well, fingers crossed :D

ill post an update with new pics later on. peace!


Active Member
another quick picture update. everything running smoothly so far. planted a dozen of chili plants as well (top left) to keep the bugs off as well as the occasional garlic spray. feeding about twice a week with bioveg. im kind of thinking its giving a lot more growth already compared to last year. esp. def. more bushy. purps is on week 5. red horse on week 7 (contrary to pic name)

enjoy (or not) and keep growing :peace:



Active Member
picture time!

the little ones (for now):
big devil auto, sprouted a week ago tomorrow.
small one nxt to it the purps. couple of days older. above it red horse. this plant was really weak and is almost 7weeks old now. the soil i used was very very crappy, i think. so after reading some 12/12 threads i decided to just give it a go with this one. might as well for the fun and experience of it. couple of white hairs have been showing for 2 days now. this will be interesting. chili plants under it. and recently topped red horse. weather has been not so great here lately so im giving the small ones a little bit of light indoors at night.

the big ones (hopefully they will get a lot bigger):
untopped the purps. topped purps. topped red horse. just recently repotte the last one. i think she will love it in there :mrgreen:

anyway, thats it for me. hope you enjoy the grow. peace out!



Active Member
so, it seems the big ones' roots have grown out of the botto of the big pots. i dont really see how this could happen so quickly. i took of the lid from the bottom to give them some fresh air as they surely must have needed it. they seemed quite moist when i first looked under the bottom. cant have been for too long. maybe 2-3 days at most. i dont even remember this problem occurring last year, but then again, the brain does silly tricks to stoners ;)

any suggestions as to what i should do? repotting into a bigger size is sadly not an option due to space. here's some pictures. any advice appreciated! peace! :joint:



Active Member
anyone? i have decided to leave the bottom lid off now and see how the roots will react to that. hopefully this will help a bit. my biggest concern at this point is root rot... cheers!


looking good! i would re-pot them if at all possible. maybe some pots that are the same diameter but deeper? your plants will grow faster, bigger, be healthier, and yield more. the fertilizer should help a lot too. organic is good, last year was my first serious grow outdoors and i used chemical fertilizer and you could somewhat taste it in the bud. i won't use chemical fertilizer again and definetely not when it's budding. i'm also thinking about topping my plants this year because last year they got HUGE. i think i am gonna try to top them twice if they grow fast enough, that way they'll hopefully stay shorter and bushier. bad thing about this year though is i just had some bag seeds that are probably from some regs or thirties. i got a few the other day from a friend who said they were from some dank so i think i'll plant those and we'll see. looking good so far though, i def plan on following your grow. i'll put some pics up sometime soon but nothing special right now. your plants are farther along than mine. i haven't gave them any nutes yet so i need to do that and i think that should get them going better. anyways, good luck!


Active Member
looking good! i would re-pot them if at all possible. maybe some pots that are the same diameter but deeper? your plants will grow faster, bigger, be healthier, and yield more. the fertilizer should help a lot too. organic is good, last year was my first serious grow outdoors and i used chemical fertilizer and you could somewhat taste it in the bud. i won't use chemical fertilizer again and definetely not when it's budding. i'm also thinking about topping my plants this year because last year they got HUGE. i think i am gonna try to top them twice if they grow fast enough, that way they'll hopefully stay shorter and bushier. bad thing about this year though is i just had some bag seeds that are probably from some regs or thirties. i got a few the other day from a friend who said they were from some dank so i think i'll plant those and we'll see. looking good so far though, i def plan on following your grow. i'll put some pics up sometime soon but nothing special right now. your plants are farther along than mine. i haven't gave them any nutes yet so i need to do that and i think that should get them going better. anyways, good luck!
hey there, thanks for dropping in. hm... thats actually a good idea. i dont have any space restrictions height wise really. might check out the china shop tomorrow. thanks :)

when did you start your plants and which strains have you got going?

the weather is still pretty much rain 24/7 so i keep them inside for now and probably till the rest of the week. very uncommon for this area to get this much rain in june. bummer :(

good luck with your plants as well! topping, from what i have read, is always advised. when are you planning on doing it? 3rd, 4h node?

cheers and peace!


Active Member

quick update:

weather is still giving me crappy rain and thunderstorms so not much growth happening. i mainly keep them covered from all the rain and the small ones still inside. but... i did mention that i put one of the red horse seeds into 12/12 after reading some threads on here (micro grow and that stuff). turns out she is female. flowering for a good week now. the plant is about 8 cms tall but hey, im just happy she is female ;)

any speculations as to how little she will yield? :lol:



Active Member
ok, so the sun has returned since 2 days now. first of i repotted the big ones into slightly bigger pots to sort out some more space for the roots couple of days ago and gave them a bit more fert. than usual yesterday and they seem to be responding well. particularly like the topped red horse. i think she looks healthiest out of the lot. i planted it 2 months ago pretty much. lets hope she turns out female...

still def. interesting to see the comparison to last years untopped. im not sure if im gonna top her again, she seems to enjoy it for sure. anyway, some pics:



Active Member
They look really nice, Good job man. How much light you got on your micro?

thanks for dropping in. i think finally the summer has hit full front and the plants are finally getting some good amount of direct sunshine. same amount of light as the others. at the moment its from 2pm till 8pm. then i take her in and put her out again at 8am. bit of a hassle but seeing as she is tiny not too bad ;)

update: attached some pictures i took just now. the purps seem seem to be in need of a bit more nitrogen compared to the red horse. some of the lower leaves have started turning a bit too bright for my liking so i increased the fert dosage and foliar fed them. hope this will help. alas its not that bad! hope you enjoy :eyesmoke:

IMG_0461.jpg IMG_0465.jpg


Active Member
nice grow man but id repot bigger, they wil grow nice and big for you in the spanish im guessing weather.
bigger the root system the bigger and better the plant becomes, youll have to repot em in few weeks anyway


Active Member
nice grow man but id repot bigger, they wil grow nice and big for you in the spanish im guessing weather.
bigger the root system the bigger and better the plant becomes, youll have to repot em in few weeks anyway
cheers man. yea, you are right. im in spain but in a city and my balcony is very limited space wise. thats as big as i can get the pots, sadly. but i mean, i had the same size last year and they grew up to 130cm...

still got a long way to go. flowering here is supposed to set in end of september. im sure i will run out of space at some point and then im gonna have to think of some solutions. until then :eyesmoke: :mrgreen: