Baking Soil


Well-Known Member
Baking soil doesnt smell very appetizing. Keep a window open and becareful, it will remain very warm for a few hours.


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Staff member
The most common reason for people "cooking" soil is.
1. Trying to make do with an outdoor dirt mix (indoor growing).
2. Reusing indoor soil that is infested.

IMHO it is much easier and cheaper in the long run to buy clean bagged soil & mix according to Subcool's recipe.
If you are going to put it in your oven be advised it stinks to high heaven & has a very powerful "linger" factor.


Well-Known Member
The difference between potting soil and garden soil is potting soil is for inside as it has been sterilized using steam.


Well-Known Member
Yes believe it or not there are bugs in store bought soil before the bag is even opened.) Also I heard it keeps bugs from makin a home outta the soil.
Yes, everybody that's owned a house plant knows that bagged soil has bugs in it. Even fox farms ocean forrest has free bugs in every bag.

Baking soil could cause it to burn. (not start of fire, but burn enough to change the chemical makeup) There's tree twigs in there, leaves, all kinds of flamable organics.