Baking Soda=Burnt Hairs wtf?! ENCOURAGEMENT NEEDED!


If anyone can give me some postive encouragement please do!! My plants are starting week 4 of flowering currently....everything is wonderful as far as growth and evironment are concerned. The problem is 2 nights ago I sprayed them with which obviously too potent of a mixture consisting of Baking soda and water to rid the plants of a small mildew issue. The next day(yesterday), The lights turned on showing a plethora of orange/red hairs. UGHHHH! My question is, Will they recover and resume growth of new calyx's with new hairs? I have done all my research and do not understand why this is not forewarned in articles stating that Soda is a 1st class resort to PM. PLEASE HELP!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Don't spray your plants when they are in flower! Unless you just can't avoid it due to a pest or mold, you are asking for trouble!


The leaves are fine..... and just the hairs were redened. I misted because of mold duh howard stern. This still does not answer my question. Will new hairs emerge and create new growth?