Bakers Yeast for bene's?


Well-Known Member
A guy at work told me the other day to use bakers yeast in my soil to make it "come alive". Does anyone know if this is true or a bunch of crap? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Baker's yeast is an anaerobic microorganism that can help break down soil components.....but I don't think it is a good idea to just have one type of organism in the soil. Make sure you also add bacteria and fungi.
Lacto-bac will bring the pH of the soil down, fungi usually raise pH. I am not sure about yeast's effects.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, finally a reply! LOL I was reading just a bunch of stuff on google and it dont seem like a good idea. One site said something like the yeast will create CO2 and deprive roots of O2, which makes sense. I never had any intention to use any, I just wanted to know if this guy has any clue whats hes talking about. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I never added it to my soil before but using it in a bottle with a small hole for Co2 attracted all kinds of fruit flies... Be aware!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Ive done the CO2 bottles and a little home-brewing. Ive used brewers and distillers yeast several times to make drinks, but never had anyone tell me to use it in soil when talking about micbrobes. I thought it sounded a little odd.


Well-Known Member
Somedude, glad I could help. The info about CO2 in the soil makes since too. If you are looking to add benes on the cheap a few methods are available that are pretty easy.

The most obvious would be using Korean Natural Farming techniques to breed your own. for step by step info

If you aren't worried about quite as concentrated of solutions, a well aerated tea will also add some benes as long as you have some good food sources in it. When I do one of these, I usually always have a natural sugar source (molasses, sucanat, or honey), a green (sea kelp, peppermint, or comfrey), and earthworm compost or bat guano. Sometimes I add other things to deal with nutes that I feel could be upped in my soil. Many more items can be used. I'm all about using local, readily available items as much as possible.

Good luck, let us know (or pm me) if you need anything else. :)