BakedinBC outdoor harvest. 1 plant, with pics.


Active Member
Lol yes, one plant. but some events over the summer ruined the chance of a real grow so this year was more of an experiment. i now have a very specific plan for next years.

Okay so its just this one small plant, i will give a weight report and smoke report after drying and curing is done, these pics were taken this morning right after chopping.
Time to trim!
Peace! :leaf:



Active Member
nope just fat calyxes! haha i fed it a lotta molassus that might have something to do with it.
yep its a small plant, the bud isnt huge, kinda strung along the stems, but it is finished, pistils all fairly brown.
heres a pic of buds after trimming

Unknown strain, bagseed



Well-Known Member
nope just fat calyxes! haha i fed it a lotta molassus that might have something to do with it.
yep its a small plant, the bud isnt huge, kinda strung along the stems, but it is finished, pistils all fairly brown.
heres a pic of buds after trimming

Unknown strain, bagseed
lol that was premature has fuck looking


Active Member
well allmost all the pistals were totally brown, its been flowering for umm, 9ish weeks i think, maybe ten. i was in hospital havnt been able to keep track when flowering started.
cloudy crystals and sticky as fuck. just not a lotta bud, its a very small plant.
and first freeze is coming soon unfortunately.. :( BC aint a good place for outdoor sativas ill say that.


Active Member
damn I wish I had some bagseed that turned out that nice looking, too bad you couldn't have let it go would have gotten fat im thinkin. nice job though, good experience for next season :)