Bailouts...who's next....


Well-Known Member
The point is, they got their bailout and already can't account for where it went. Things that make you go hmmmm, anyone checked Bank Swiss?
you keep blaming the companys for stealing tax payer was OBAMA THAT STOLE THE TAX MONEY TO GIVE TO THEM..WOW...its obama that has fannie mae execs on his admin...over 80% of the tax payers were against these bail outs...did it stop congress from giving them the money anyways? HELL NO..who do these people represent? if you think obama has the answer to your problems are in for a BIG SUPRISE...the only solution to the problem is the immediate eradication of the federal heard anyone say that? i one but jim rogers the billionaire..and a couple of other people..none of them in a position of power to make it just got the change you wanted..from bad to worse..:fire:


New Member
Are you aware that even though Obama was elected, he isn't actually running the country yet? Bush still holds the keys to our fate...... I love the way everything is Obama's fault, hell he's not even been sworn in yet.

Obama didn't take the profits from the big 3 and push the money into the CEO bank accounts, the CEO's did that all by themselves. Obama has only been 1 senate vote, you can't go and blame the entire American crisis on him.

Good grief, talk about being paraniod, "the country was wrecked when Obama took office, therefore it must be his fault" I think you can look to the Bush and Clinton familes, hell you can look clear back to Reagen for who was behind this disaster.


Well-Known Member
obama took money from the banks..fannie mae and freddie mac were two of his largest contributors with lobbiest on his staff...obama was a US senator preaching for this bail out f rom one state to the next was he not?matter of fact...incase you dont know this.the stock and investment markets are forward looking.alot of what you are seeing in the economy is investors..such as myself..pulling money and investments back to keep obama from stealing from us..your in for a rough four my opinion..we are in for a rough ten or fifteen years....or you are anyways..obama..and his socialist rants have scared the hell out of capitalists ...obama is responsible for ALOT..ALOT of the movement in the stock market and economy..there is no confidence in him from wall street..he has been ranting for two years about how he is going to steal from the oil company's and give the money to the tax payer..and ending corporate greed..going to raise capital gains tax...{this is the big idiot mistake}retard alert..retard alert..obama is a retard....all your money and investment are going to leave the US shore's and be invested into other that have much lower tax rates and cost's of doing bussiness..after this little bankruptcy i can see GM moving their HQ to GE has already moved their HQ to you all scratch your ass's wonder where all the jobs and money has went..your politicians are beating the jobs you so want out of your country with a club...they cant afford to do bussines here anymore...neither can i really...


New Member
they cant afford to do bussines here anymore...neither can i really...
Fuck, good riddance then, Seeya, wouldn't want to beeya.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to hijack the thread, but look at this crap......
Where'd the bailout money go? Shhhh, it's a secret
Good link Stoney. I'd rep ya, but I gotta share the love a bit more before I can... This is what happens when our "illustrious" elected officials vote through legislation WITHOUT reading and/or thinking about the consequences. If you all will remember, the INITIAL vote recorded in the House was against the bailout, then the Senate got hold of the legislation (now up to 104 pages), expanded it to 400+ pages and forced another vote that eventually passed. Where's the oversight? Hell, this legislation expanded the authority of powers of the Secretary of the Treasury and now Paulson's talking about using some of that money for the US automakers! Why? BECAUSE HE CAN, NOW THAT THIS BILL HAS PASSED! A big fucking "Ooops" on the great representation from our legislative branch, yeah?

Even after this bill was initially defeated in the House, Pelosi went on record after the vote was recorded and said...
"What happened today cannot stand."
I wonder if Pelosi, Obama, and McCain will take any responsibility for this travesty.


Well-Known Member
Garrett, the New Jersey congressman, said the nation might never get a clear answer on where hundreds of billions of dollars went.
"A year or two ago, when we talked about spending $100 million for a bridge to nowhere, that was considered a scandal," he said.

Associated Press writers Stevenson Jacobs in New York and Christopher S. Rugaber and Daniel Wagner in Washington contributed to this report.
This won't become a scandal, wanna know why? It would require to hold Congress complicit in this fiasco. Anyone think that's going to happen?


Well-Known Member
The point is, they got their bailout and already can't account for where it went. Things that make you go hmmmm, anyone checked Bank Swiss?
And you blame the bankers? Why not ask your representative if he/she voted for this...let alone read the bill. Had Congress not passed this, the bankers wouldn't have had OUR money to steal, true? I hold Congress (and this includes Obama who happened to vote in favor of this as well) responsible for this crime.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Why not bail out the American people?Surely, the payment of debts, the purchase of new products and services would stimulate the economy?It's true that they make these damn legislations in lawyer speak and with so many confusing asides, anyone would be hard pressed to read them.How about putting all laws in plain English?And keep them under a couple of pages per legislation, tops?If these people who represent us are supposed to be our peers,do we really expect them to be that much smarter than anyone else who has been furnished an education courtesy of the American Educational system?Imagine the trees we'd be saving, too!:bigjoint:Ok, rant done, lol.
Good link Stoney. I'd rep ya, but I gotta share the love a bit more before I can... This is what happens when our "illustrious" elected officials vote through legislation WITHOUT reading and/or thinking about the consequences. If you all will remember, the INITIAL vote recorded in the House was against the bailout, then the Senate got hold of the legislation (now up to 104 pages), expanded it to 400+ pages and forced another vote that eventually passed. Where's the oversight? Hell, this legislation expanded the authority of powers of the Secretary of the Treasury and now Paulson's talking about using some of that money for the US automakers! Why? BECAUSE HE CAN, NOW THAT THIS BILL HAS PASSED! A big fucking "Ooops" on the great representation from our legislative branch, yeah?

Even after this bill was initially defeated in the House, Pelosi went on record after the vote was recorded and said...
I wonder if Pelosi, Obama, and McCain will take any responsibility for this travesty.


New Member
Why does everyone who doesn't like Obama call him a savior or a messiah? I never said he was a savior or a messiah, I said give him a chance to actually be sworn in before you start bitching. Geez....... You people are bitching about shit that is going on when he's not even prez yet. Don't forget, bushie the kid is still in control.

Also when I said check bank swiss for the auto bailout money I wasn't implying that bankers took the money, I imagine more than one automaker CEO has an account at bank swiss.


Well-Known Member
markets are not reacting so mugh to bushie the they are obama..obama is a marxist..capitalists understand this...THAT IS WHY WE ARE TAKING OUR MONEY AND LEAVING YOUR BANKRUPT GAME..WE HAVE OTHER GAMES TO PLAY IN ASIA..WE CAN BUY AMERICAN STOCKS IN ASIA ..TRADE EVERYONE OF OUR STOCKS ALL OVER THE WORLD WITH A CLICK OF A BUTTON...WE DO NOT HAVE TO..NOR ARE WE GOING TO PAY UNCLE SUGAR A UNFAIR RATE OF TAX...ITS THE AMERICAN WAY..CAPITALISTS HATE TAX...SOCIALISTS COMMIES LOVE IT..OBAMA HAS BEEN DESTROY YOUR ECONOMY EVEN MORE SO THAN IT ALREADY IS...DONT YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR INVESTMENT MONEY IS LEAVING THE COUNTRY? WOW...wake up ..would you..and i just showed you the proof that all of the investment money is leaving the shore corporations..that is the way of the future for american investors....


Well-Known Member
I hope they do an "avg american bailout" and pay some of these damn bills I have backin up...get some of these collectors off my ass


New Member
if they stopped taxing the shit out of us it would be like an average american bailout. I'm looking for a job that pays cash so I can just cut big gov out of it. I figure, they waste, piss away and steal more than I can make in a year, so they won't even miss my tax dollars.


New Member
My husband works, so if I had a cash job, my earnings could just blend in with his.

I wonder, can we buy a bunch of land somewhere and make our own country? Just say fuck the US, we don't want to play anymore, so we're out. We can call it canniland or something......all the weed lovers can come and buy surrounding property and our little country will just expand and expand........


Well-Known Member
My husband works, so if I had a cash job, my earnings could just blend in with his.

I wonder, can we buy a bunch of land somewhere and make our own country? Just say fuck the US, we don't want to play anymore, so we're out. We can call it canniland or something......all the weed lovers can come and buy surrounding property and our little country will just expand and expand........
:: grins ::

Have you read Ayn Rand's Novel. I think it's the Fountainhead, or it might be the other major one.

No, it is the other one, Atlas Shrugged.

What you're proposing could kinda come straight out of that.

Though the only way to actually pull it off would be to buy an island in a foreign nation's territorial waters and reach an agreement with them (as the US would be entirely too anal about it.) or to build an artificial Island in the middle of the Pacific.

Or maybe a remote Mountain Valley in South America.

Or Maybe Africa...


New Member
I've never read that book. I don't want to have to move, just because we stole this country from the native americans doesn't mean some of us can't steal some of it now.

I figure we could get some land in one of those states that doesn't make you pay property tax, grow our own food, and just reject the government. I bet if someone did that, as soon as word got out, they would be flooded with people wanting to join them.