Bahamas Strains


Well-Known Member
So I just got back from a cruise in Nassau Bahamas, and I managed to get about 15 seeds from the local dealer on the beach. He handed me a little baggie with seeds of 15 plump seeds but they were all different colors. Some were mottled some were speckled. Do any of you know the origins of the strains in the Bahamas?

I currently have this plant that is a mongrel of about 30 different strains that I have pollen chucked at over the years. And every time I collect seeds from the resulting mother, the seeds are all different shapes and sizes. BTW it is the best smoking and tasting plant I have, you should start your own program like this. Purists, I don't care what you have to say, so just save it.

Anyhow, any of you old timers have some history about strains from the Caribbean?

Next grow I'll pop 5 of these and show it.


Sector 5 Moderator
More than likely it's the same landrace strain as Acapulco Gold or possibly Jamaican. The reason the "gold" color comes out is because of the way they harvest and cure it. AG and Jamaican (woops, Actually Colombian is my #2 fav) are my two all time favorites; one hitters for sure; I just don't want to stop with one hit since the high just keeps going and going to a trippy level.