Bagseed update! Grow room is perfect! Need advice

Well a couple of weeks ago I posted gathering information on why my plants my have been dieing in my grow room and I took some advice on here and I think my plants are doing very well now! Thanks to you guys so I figured id post an update im about 3 1/2 to 4 weeks into my grow now with some bagseed plants. My grow room stays between 72 and 84 degrees daily. I have cfl bulbs and a heat bulb, fan, mylar, humidifier etc, and also a little nifty I.V. drip bag I obtain from some friends of mine at the medical place ( i love the I.V. bag works perfect ). I will be posting images of my grow room later but need advice on my plants first. Here we go:

Bag Seed #1 wks: 1-3 1/2


Bagseed 2 Wks: 1-4


Bagseed 3 Wks: 1-3


Bagseed 4 Wks:1-3



So thats pretty much my few plants right now got a few more in some peat pellets getting ready added some osmocote nutrients in 3 of the 4 seem to love it...however one had bonemeal and it was doing terrible at first and seems to be working out now.

Now my questions.

I started my LST I doing it right from what ive gathered all you do is tie your plant down to expose the main stem to promote side growth. If thats all I do then that question is done.

Nextly Ive heard about 5 weeks or so into your vegging depending on the strain it the plants start showing this true? need to weed out my males asap.

Any advice would be great to im always down for tips and anything else I may be able to use for speeding up this grow! thanks guys!



Well-Known Member
stop using the drip bags in want your root system to dry out and get oxygen to it or you'll just rot out your root system ;) And why a heat bulb? Throw in a high wattage CFL instead to give the plants something they need :)
llol quick response..the heat bulb i had laying around decided to give it a try they seem to love it..especially the germinating seeds. also i have it there to balance out the temp in the grow room due to the fact the grow room is built in a giant doghouse outdoors so the outdoor temp does have a small effect on it but like i said ive got it stable in there now where the temp stays perfect day and night...drip system drips 1 drip about every 2 minutes probably i left it dripping on my plant that wasnt doing crappy from the bonemeal and the next day its burns were gone and the soil was that moist at all :p....the humidifier made a huge difference in my room though


Active Member
Whats up with the IR lamp? Plants are looking okay but for their age they should be much bigger. :)

I wouldn't be concerned with sexing yet - you've got a long way to go. Even if you do end up with males, so what, you will know eventually. Ya know? Assuming this is your first grow and the med's are for you... if it's seedy - so be it. Your learning, and your trying to supply yourself. All the money you save can go twoards future grows, current-future bills, etc. Plus the time you waste "looking" for med, having to meet with people, etc, you can now read and learn more.

For an example, here are shots from my first grow. (And only complete grow thus far.) Obviously I'm new to this just like you so I've been through the same stuff recently. I also did CFL (about 300W).

This is a picture from day 16 of my grow you can see how it's already formed set's of 7+ leaves and has a ton of nodes. I soil germ so 16 cycles for me is about 20 or more for folks who pre-germ their seeds before they sow them and put them under light. By this time the roots actually encased the entire pot.

Fast forward 10 days, here is a picture from the 25th cycle. They've been transplanted and the roots have more room to grow out and down - plus some nice new soil to feed from. None has showed any sex yet to be or my experienced friends (although two were feminized seeds anyways).

I put them under 12/12 after 30 cycles and they showed quite quick.

Give me a shout when you check this over and I will change the stuff to links. I know some folks don't fancy clicking them though so I figured I'd post the pictures for you and them remove them.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Heat bulb, huh? Got any specs on it like wattage or color temp (kelvins)? I tried a 4 foot fluorescent 'black light' many years ago, with poor results.
hhaha hey buddy that first plant in ur pic looks like one of mines twin..ass for the others they looks great and yea its my first grow that is actually working right so far put it that way thanks for the advice though its helpful as far as the heat bulb not sure what the specs are but they keep the actual area the plants are in perfect guess i got lucky but its really good for germing it takes seriosuly like 1 and 1 night and u will have 3 inch seedlings when u check. i just got up to water them this morning all soil seems pretty moist for some reason so im not gonna water today it got rather cold last night so the temp in the grow room was about 68 or 69the they all look healthy even the one that seemed to get nute burned has become green and healthy and started developing some side growth they all bent back up last night so i tied them back down ...2 of the plants are 6in and 7in. right now they are only 3 and half to 4the weeks old is that a good height for that far into the grow? the other is about 5 inches its right at 2the weeks the other was 3 inches yesterday and today it looks like its grown atleast another inch or 2 and that was the nute burned one. what you guys think?
alright decided to go out and get some different lighting got some good stuff done..added some 1650 per bulb daylight cfl bulbs..i can tell a huge different in lighting now i also cleaned up and built my flowering area into my grow room...all plants are healthy and have grown more today will post some updated pictures monday


Active Member
Sorry to thread jack, But i have a question. on a 400w HPS Will a cool mist humidifier be a problem if it was close to the bulb? Where should the humidifier be placed in the grow room?

Thanks guys! Sorry again, and the plants looks beautiful for a bagseed turnout


ill tell u what if i were u id throw about 4 of them plants into a 12/12 schedule now so you will know your males and females. then take clones from the female, save 1 clone as a mother and the rest go into flower. so then u can have some smoke a lil sooner. o yea dont use a drip bag could overwater your roots and kill ur plant.
nno worries on the thread jacking as far as ur question goes though i have my humidifier right in front of my plants and the fan blows directly on it and i have like 15 cfls and a heat bulb and it doesnt seem to affect my lighting and its turned on high. it works perfectly though and yea i just put 2 of them into flowering...both are females it is true what they say about running them under a 24hr light schedule then changing them to 12/12 i can already see signs of budding on the top and by the branches...white hairy trichs. i suppose? are developing on the top middle part of the plant you can see it well..yesterday is the first day into flowering ...will post pics monday